Marsha Chartrand

Relay For Life to Celebrate Cancer Survivors

As the local Relay For Life Event Leadership Team prepares for the fifth annual Relay For Life in Manchester on June 20, plans are under way for the various activities surrounding the event. There are three major components to Relay For Life: “Celebrate, Remember, and Fight Back.” The celebration component traditionally starts off the Relay at […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Gazebo Concerts Start THIS Thursday, June 4!

Do you love music and nature? So does Joe Reilly! Joe loves nature so much that he writes songs and sings about it, and he hopes that you and your family will sing along too. And not just sing along, but get up and move! Dance! Allow yourself to become the animals, plants, and water in […]

 Marsha Chartrand

2016 Historical Society Calendar Coming Soon

Since 1984, the Manchester Area Historical Society (MAHS) has produced an annual historical calendar. Each year, the calendar theme features a unique aspect of Manchester area history. The new 2016 calendar, “Living History,” is a continuation of a collection of oral histories as told in the words of long-time Manchester residents. Sharon Curtis, the calendar’s editor for the second […]

 Marsha Chartrand

49th Annual Canoe Race, Another Success!

With 66 canoes and kayaks, and more than 100 contestants in this year’s Kiwanis Canoe Race, the 49th annual event was deemed a complete success by organizers. “We had a couple more participants and canoes than last year,” said Cindy Kenney, a Kiwanis spokesperson. There were many familiar names in this year’s winner’s circle, as well as new participants […]

 Marsha Chartrand

2015 Manchester High School Prom

 Marsha Chartrand

Counting Down to Gazebo Concert Season!

A sure sign of summer in Manchester is the debut of the Gazebo Concert season. For 27 summers, Wurster Park on the village green in Manchester has hosted some of the area’s best performers to entertain and delight audiences young and old. This summer’s lineup will include perennial favorites as well as new and exciting […]

 Marsha Chartrand

MAYS Opening Day Parade

This Saturday Manchester Area Youth Sports held their opening day festivities including a parade through downtown. Afterward athletes gathered for hot dogs donated by the Manchester Men’s Club, bottled water donated by Manchester Market and cookies donated by Jessica Bushaw of Frank’s Place.  

 Marsha Chartrand

Kiwanis Prepares for 49th Annual Amateur Canoe Race

In 1967, as the village prepared to celebrate its centennial year, one of the events that was planned was a boat race down the River Raisin, from Fellows Bridge on Sharon Hollow Road to Main Street in downtown Manchester. Over the years, changes have happened. Today, the boats are primarily canoes and kayaks; new categories of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Farmers Market Faces Changes and Challenges

There is a lot “new” going on at Manchester’s Farmers Market this summer. A new location, a new market manager, and new funding challenges will be just a few of the changes seen when the market begins its season on May 7. The new location this year, at Chi-Bro Park, may be a temporary one–a […]

 Marsha Chartrand

“MOST Teens Don’t Use” Campaign Under Way

The Manchester Voices Coalition and Students Leading Students have kicked off a new positive social norm campaign titled, “MOST Teens Don’t Use.” This campaign celebrates teens that are making healthy choices when it comes to marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco use. Lindsay Hannah, who organized Manchester Voices and acts as Project SUCCESS Counselor at Manchester Middle School […]