Co-op Enters its 50th Year – A Manchester Tradition Has a Bright Future
In the fall of 1964, the Manchester Cooperative Preschool started with a handful of young students and their teacher, Mrs. Delores Wolff, in the basement of the Emanuel United Church of Christ educational wing. This year, as the Co-op begins its 50th season, the school boasts 29 eager learners and two fresh and enthusiastic new […]
Manchester Planning Commission Chair Wears Many Hats
Chairman of the Manchester Township Planning Commission, Les Kopka, has deep roots in Manchester community, but his interests and activities sometimes venture beyond his hometown. A 1970 graduate of Manchester High School, Kopka also was one of the original members as well as President of what started as the Manchester Jaycees Fat Lamb Club. In the past […]
Emanuel Steeple Project on Schedule
Those who have watched the Emanuel Church steeple with interest this summer may have noticed an apparent delay over the past few weeks. After much activity in early summer, with the removal of an old steeple and then, a few weeks later, a new structure put into place, there has been another interval while no […]
Village Takes Steps Toward New Bridge Construction
A positive election outcome and a prepared administration are paving the way for the new Main Street Bridge to begin construction activity as soon as March 2015. “We signed the program application providing the state with the necessary information on the existing bridge and soil sampling on the Thursday after the election,” said Village Manager […]
Picnic, Anyone? – The American Legion Auxiliary Summer Raffle
With a summer music and street festival just days away, you may be thinking it’s a perfect opportunity to plan a family picnic and enjoy all that Manchester has to offer during the Summerfest. But in case your picnic basket needs a boost, here’s a just-in-time opportunity to augment your supplies. The Manchester American Legion […]
Bond Proposal Would Provide Funding for New Main Street Bridge
One of the most unique and picturesque aspects of Manchester is its beautiful setting on the River Raisin. But for the past year, the appealing river view has been marred by orange barricades and flashing lights. For more than 85 years, the Main Street bridge has been the scene of many a Memorial Day service and […]
It’s Ice Cream Social Season!
Manchester is famous for its ice cream socials. Each church has a variety of different attractions and menu items. The season begins Wednesday, June 25 at Sharon United Methodist Church on the corner of M-52 and Pleasant Lake Road. Serving begins at 5 p.m., but many folks come early to visit, find a shady spot […]
Relay For Life to Celebrate Survivorship
Back in May 1985, Dr. Gordy Klatt walked and ran for 24 hours around a track in Tacoma, Washington, ultimately raising $27,000. His goal: to help the American Cancer Society fight the nation’s biggest health concern – cancer. One year later, 340 supporters joined Klatt in the overnight event. Since those first steps, the Relay For Life […]
Getting RISKY at the PLI
Editor’s note: I thought that maybe I was a prejudiced parent, seeing as I have known all of these young men for more than 25 years. I think their talent and their original, locally-oriented songs are amazing. But it is even more gratifying to see their accomplishments recognized by people who have little, if any, […]