Marsha Chartrand

Worth Repeating continues its giving ways in 2023

submitted by Pat Sahakian Worth Repeating returned more than $34,000 to the Manchester Community in 2023, bringing the total of our cash grants to $94,654 since we began operations in March of 2020. The store also gave away over $500 in merchandise for many deserving causes, like the Lions Club Christmas Shopping Day for kids […]

 Marsha Chartrand

MHS names December 2023 Students of the Month

submitted by Carla Zygner, MHS Student of the Month coordinator Manchester Junior-Senior High School’s Students of the Month for December have been selected. Students are selected for Student of the Month awards for promoting a good way of life; for working and getting along with people; for working up to their capacity; for inspiring respect […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCSO November 2023 police services monthly report

As reported by Lt. Alan Hunt, WSCO During the month of November there were 167 calls for service in the City of Manchester. During this time, 100 traffic stops were made, resulting in 19 citations. Noteworthy events in the City during the month included: On November 30, a Collaboration Deputy responded to the 600 Block […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Enjoy winter Historic Craft Project classes at the blacksmith museum

submitted by Annette Siffin, MAHS Historic craft project We are excited to announce a new schedule of Historic Craft Project classes beginning in January! Classes will be in the craft room in the back of the Blacksmith Museum at 324 E Main St. To participate, sign up at the Blacksmith Shop Sundays from 1 to […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Samantha Stockard achieves Dean’s List at Belmont University

from Belmont University Samantha Stockard of Manchester qualified for Belmont University’s Fall 2023 Dean’s List. Approximately 52% of Belmont’s 7,338 undergraduate students qualified. Belmont Provost Dr. David Gregory said, “The Dean’s List achievement reflects the hard work, perseverance, and dedication to academic excellence of Belmont’s outstanding students. It is my privilege to congratulate these individuals […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Buck up, Michigan. Prices remain a bummer but there are positive signs

by Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Michigan) Michigan residents seem angry. On the eve of a presidential election year, the economy is bumming us out and pollsters are saying that sour mood is making Michigan a toss-up state that will be crucial in November’s elections. But what’s the reality? Does the data lend support to the harsh vibes? We […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan state parks system leads the nation in accessible recreation

by Kelly House (Bridge Michigan) A steady push to expand off-road mobility chairs in state parks and recreation areas has made Michigan a national leader in accessible outdoor recreation. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced last week that it now has more track chairs — rugged mobility devices that have tracks like a snowmobile […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Michigan House Speaker Joe Tate: 2023 ‘the most productive year’ ever

by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge Michigan) LANSING — The state Legislature adjourned early this year, but not before passing a suite of laws that House Speaker Joe Tate says rank among the most consequential “in Michigan’s history.” The Detroit Democrat started the year by making history himself, as the first African American to serve in the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Spice up your life this season with Smiling Jim’s

by Marsha Chartrand James and Deborah Bliss met by chance many years ago in their respective roles with Hilton Hotels — Jim was an executive chef and Deborah was overseeing the opening of a new Hilton in Lake Charles, Louisiana. As their relationship grew, Jim eventually left the restaurant business, but, of course, as a […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Football post-season wrap-up brings pride and honors to team

by Marsha Chartrand Varsity Football Coach Ben Pack has compiled and presented the highlights and post-season awards earned by our Dutchmen players for the 2023 season. “We are grateful for all the support the Manchester community gave our team throughout the year,” Pack said. “Working hand in hand shows good things happen when people come […]

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