Chef Keegan baking series continues
submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library The Manchester District Library will host Chef Keegan of Lakehouse Bakery for the next installment in his new series on Thursday, November 2. At 6pm in the Village Room, join Keegan to learn the science behind versatile ingredients in this fun, educational series — Baking: Spice, the Variety […]
Maker Night continues bi-monthly at the Library
submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library Makers in all mediums are invited to bring their latest project to the Manchester District Library (MDL) and get inspiration from other participants during Maker Nights. If you knit, crochet, quilt, sew, felt, weave, spin, paint, draw, sculpt, model, fold, glue, assemble, collect, display, or craft in any […]
Photos: Skeletons & more make for spooky Halloween yard displays!
by Sara Swanson The Village of Manchester has been invaded by an army of skeletons! Backed up by inflatables, spiderwebs, pumpkins, cornstalks, bats, hats, cats, and more, this year’s Halloween rivals Christmas in decoration quantity and must surpass it in decoration creativity! If you are looking for a fun afternoon activity, hop in your car […]
Obituary: Gale A. Steinaway
Gale A. Steinaway, age 71, passed away Thursday, October 19, 2023, surrounded by his loving family. Gale was born on June 25, 1952, to Harold and Julia (Ahrens) Steinaway. Gale lived his entire life on the family’s farm in Manchester. Gale will be missed by his daughter, Julia, and her husband, Dave Carson; his longtime […]
Letter to the editor: The time is now to update and renovate our schools to compete with our neighbors
October 19, 2023 Dear Editor, Riverside Intermediate School: Opened in 1954. Luther C. Klager Elementary School: Opened in 1968. The “New” Manchester Jr./Sr. High School: Opened in 2004. As we consider the Bond Renewal proposal from the Manchester Community Schools, and the upcoming vote on that proposal on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, it’s time that […]
Letter to the editor: Upset with the school district’s lack of patriotism
October 19, 2023 Dear Editor, I would like to comment on our school district’s recent patriotic actions. I come from a military family. I have a brother-in-law who served in Vietnam, a niece and nephew currently in the Navy, and a nephew who served in the Marines. My father served proudly in the Navy. He enlisted but was too […]
Letter to the Editor: Knights of Columbus thanks the community of the Manchester area
October 19, 2023 This month, the Knights of Columbus held their 48th annual Mentally Impaired (Tootsie Roll) Drive. Members from Manchester Council 4354 hit the streets at local area businesses and asked people to make a donation to support people with intellectual disabilities and receive a Tootsie Roll. The proceeds from this year’s drive benefits […]
Public notice: Bridgewater, Freedom, Manchester, Sharon Township
NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR THE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2023 TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIPS OF BRIDGEWATER, FREEDOM, GRASS LAKE CHARTER, MANCHESTER, NORVELL AND SHARON: Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the Townships listed above on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. The polls will be […]
Public Notice: Freedom Township
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Public Accuracy test for the November 7, 2023, Special Election has been scheduled for October 27, 2023, at 9:30a.m. in the Freedom Township Hall located at 11508 Pleasant Lake Road, Manchester, Michigan. The Public Accuracy test is conducted to demonstrate that the computer program used to record and count […]
Public notice: Freedom Township
Freedom Township Board 11508 Pleasant Lake Road, Manchester, MI 48158 SYNOPSIS OF MEETING MINUTES September 12, 2023, Regular Board Meeting Held in person at the Freedom Town Hall Meeting called to order at 8:00pm Members present: Lindemann, Bristle, Layher, Huehl, Schaible; absent-none ; 11 public in attendance Board heard public comment, communications received, and […]