Public notice: Bridgewater Township
BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF PRIVATE ROAD ORDINANCE NO. 74 During their regular October meeting, the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees adopted the Private Road Ordinance No. 74 by authority of Public Act 246 of 1945 as amended (Township Ordinances, being MCL 41.181 — MCL41.187) to regulate the construction, maintenance, and […]
Public notice: Bridgewater Township
BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SYNOPSIS 5-Oct-23 The regular monthly meeting of the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Fromhart at 7:02 p.m. Five board members were present (quorum) with 4 citizens in attendance. The board heard no citizen participation. The board approved the 7-Sep-23 meeting minutes as presented. […]
Proposed state oversight of solar, wind pits energy needs v. rural rights
by Kelly House (Bridge Michigan) A day after introducing bills to speed up wind and solar permitting by shifting control to the state, Michigan lawmakers debated whether the change would be a gift to struggling farmers and utility customers — or a bane on rural communities. During a hearing Wednesday before the House Energy, Communications […]
Carpool lanes coming to Michigan’s I-75
submitted by Lauren Gibbons (Bridge Michigan) Michigan drivers will soon see the state’s first carpool lanes in southeast Michigan — and new state laws suggest they may not be the last. Two bills signed into law by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer this week allow state transportation officials to designate carpool lanes on new federally-funded highway construction […]
Michigan’s feral cats breeding like crazy: 5,000 caught, neutered last year
by Brandy Muz, Capital News Service (Bridge Michigan) Feral cats have colonies across the state, and their inbreeding, overpopulation and constant pregnancies have caused these strays to multiply. Richelle Brown of the Cheboygan County Humane Society says wild cats usually flock to areas where there’s something to eat. “They go to where they get fed. If people […]
Families fuel Michigan bills for parity in mental health insurance coverage
by Robin Erb (Bridge Michigan) It took nearly $300,000 in out-of-pocket costs to save her son’s life, according to Claire Scerbak. But Scerbak said she considers herself lucky. Many Michigan families can’ afford to pay bills for loved ones facing mental health and substance abuse crises. She said her family was forced to pay the […]
Help prune invasive species in Sharon Short Hills Preserve
by Sara Swanson Are you a fan of pruning or helping birds, bees, and butterflies, or both? Join a team “bulldozing” invasive shrubs to help the “B”s—the “B”irds, “B”ees, and “B”utterflies, that is! You’ll use loppers and saws to clear the way for “B” habitat and get ideas for how to turn your own backyard […]
Haunted Hallways, a spooky event at MHS!
by Sara Swanson Another annual event is returning! SRSLY Manchester has secured just enough help that Haunted Hallways is going ahead! Come experience some spooky, scary family-friendly fun at the Manchester Jr./Sr. High School on Friday, October 27, from 6 to 9pm. Admission is $5, or free for those under age 3. In addition to […]
Natural Remedies Part 2 with Dr. Nia
submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library Join Dr. Nia Aguirre, naturopathic doctor and medicinal herbalist, to learn practical, natural prevention and remedies to head off the upcoming cold and flu season. This make-and-take clinic will be held on Monday, October 16, at 6pm in the Manchester District Library’s upstairs lounge. This is the second […]
October 2023 Gardening Advice
submitted by Jennifer Fairfield, Garden Mill Did somebody forget to tell Mother Nature that it’s October? The temperatures seem more like August right now, and I hear that the predictions for this winter are for it to be milder and drier than normal. I do worry when our winters are “mild” that the insects and […]