Sara Swanson

Broadband internet information for rural residents of Manchester Township 

submitted by Kim Thompson, Manchester Township Treasurer If you haven’t heard, residents of rural Manchester Township will have access to high-speed internet by the end of this year. This was made possible through our Township’s membership on the Broadband Task Force and Washtenaw County’s commitment to use a portion of their American Rescue Act funding in […]

 Sara Swanson

Sharon Church’s annual scrap metal drive

submitted by Sharon United Methodist Church We are thrilled to announce that Sharon Church’s highly anticipated annual scrap metal drive will take place on September 9 and 16 from 9am to 3pm. This event not only benefits our local community but also contributes to the ongoing mission work of Sharon Church. Gather up your unwanted […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Fair livestock auction results

submitted by Denise Blumenauer, Manchester Community Fair Manchester Community Fair livestock auction buyers included Amcor, Bob and Lisa Blumenauer, Boullion Sales, Brian Kunzelman, C & S Lawncare, Cadillac Asphalt, Charles and Kara Hieber, Charlie Stephens, Chelsea Lumber, Chemical Solutions, Dave and Sue Kempher, Diuble Equipment, Duvall Farms, Eagle Valley Ag Advisors, Elite Construction, ER Lawn […]

 Sara Swanson

Time to register for fall recreational soccer

submitted by Tracey Hittle, VP of Recreational Soccer, Manchester Soccer Association Soccer season is just around the corner, and registration for Manchester Soccer Association’s Fall Rec Soccer is open! The season starts September 23 and runs through November 4. There are three coed age divisions: U5 Little Kickers (birth years 2019–2020), U7 (birth years 2017–2018), and […]

 Sara Swanson

MUMC holding Community Picnic to welcome new pastor

submitted by Jody Sharrow, church administrator, Manchester United Methodist Church  Manchester United Methodist Church cordially invites the community to welcome our new pastor, Reverend Susan Hitts, to Manchester at a picnic on September 10, 2023, from noon to 2pm. This free picnic will serve hot dogs, chips, brownies, and other picnic goodies. Feel free to […]

 Sara Swanson

Volunteer workdays scheduled at Sharon Hills Preserve

by Sara Swanson Legacy Land Conservancy has scheduled their fall 2023 volunteer workdays with three days scheduled for Sharon Hills Nature Preserve. They are looking for volunteers to help remove the invasive species autumn olive on Friday, October 6, from 10am to noon; Friday, October 13, from 10am to noon; and Saturday, October 14, from 10am […]

 Sara Swanson

Representative Dingell visits Manchester farms

by Sara Swanson Last week, U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell visited three Manchester-area farms — Tantré Farm, Horning Family Farms, and Fusilier Farms — as part of a tour of farms in her district. On visiting farms in the Manchester area, she stated, “Western Washtenaw has many farmers, and understanding their businesses, their concerns, their needs, […]

 Sara Swanson

NEW Meet & Greet Series at Manchester District Library

submitted by Laura Wohlgemuth During the months of September, October, and November, the Manchester District Library will be hosting Manchester’s local businesses, restaurants, and nonprofits at the MDL’s Meet & Greet Series to help promote all of the wonderful things Manchester has to offer. Our first Manchester Meet & Greet will be on Friday, September […]

 Sara Swanson

Book Donation Day coming up at the Library

by Sara Swanson The Manchester District Library’s Friends of the Library is holding a book donation day on Saturday, September 9, from 10am to noon in the Village Room. The Village Room is located on the lower level and can be accessed from the rear parking lot of the library. The Friends ask that when […]

 Sara Swanson

Sensory-friendly inclusion spaces coming to Clinton Township Public Library

submitted by Mary Gallup, director, Clinton Township Public Library Clinton Township Public Library has been awarded the LSTA Public Library Services Grant in the amount of $16,218. The project will begin on October 1, 2023. Funding from the grant will allow CTPL to build four sensory-friendly study cubicles along with a schedule of monthly technology […]