Sara Swanson

78th Annual Manchester Community Fair

by Sara Swanson The Manchester Community Fair is approaching fast. It is its 78th year! This year the fair runs from August 8 through the 12 on Alumni Field, located on the corner of Vernon Street and Wolverine Street in the Village. This year’s theme is “Country Pride — Community Wide.” This year’s grand marshal […]

 Sara Swanson

2023 Manchester Community Fair Queen candidates

2023 Manchester Community Fair Queen candidates

submitted by Angie Schaible This year’s Manchester Community Fair Queen candidates for Class of 2026 are Layla Freeman, Abbi Austin, and Olivia Woods. The candidates for Class of 2025 are Ashley Bobo, Savannah Roe, and Memphis Conklin. The candidates for Class of 2024 are Miranda Austin, Lauren Blaine, and Meghan Somerville. The candidates for Class […]

 Sara Swanson

Suicide prevention training in Manchester

submitted by Anna Webber, SRSLY Manchester On Wednesday, August 16, from 5:30 to 6:30pm, Chelsea Hospital is hosting a Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training in the Manchester District Library Village Room, located at 912 City Rd (lower level). This suicide prevention training teaches participants how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and […]

 Sara Swanson

Summer reading program finale at the library

by Sara Swanson The Manchester District Library’s Summer Reading Program’s wrap-up party is coming up on Monday, July 24, from 4:30pm to 6pm at the library. There will be ice cream served and a drawing for prizes for summer reading program participants. Questions? Call (734) 428-8045. Stop by the library or visit the event calendar for […]

 Sara Swanson

Doll n’ Burgers pop-up at the Manchester Market

by Sara Swanson Do you wish we had a Doll n’ Burger here in Manchester? Are you craving a Doll n’ Burgers burger but don’t want to drive to Tecumseh or Jackson? Good news! The Manchester Market, located at 455 West Main, will host a Doll n’ Burgers pop-up from 5pm to 8:30pm each Thursday […]

 Sara Swanson

Public notice: Manchester Township

MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN CONTINUED UTILITY-SCALE SES MORATORIUM ORDINANCE Ordinance No. 105 Notice of Adoption Please take notice that on July 11, 2023, the Township Board of Manchester Township adopted Ordinance No. 105, which continues the moratorium on the approval, location, erection, construction, and/or installation of the Utility-Scale SES land use (utility-scale solar energy […]

 Sara Swanson

Public notice: Manchester Township

MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE EXTENDING COMMERCIAL WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS (WECS) MORATORIUM Ordinance No. 104 Notice of Adoption Please take notice that on July 11, 2023, the Township Board of Manchester Township adopted Ordinance No. 104, which extends the existing moratorium on the permitting, consideration, approval, location, erection, construction, and/or installation of Commercial […]

 Sara Swanson

Public notice: Manchester Township

MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE EXTENDING MINERAL EXTRACTION MORATORIUM Ordinance No. 103 Notice of Adoption Please take notice that on July 11, 2023, the Township Board of Manchester Township adopted Ordinance No. 103, which extends the existing moratorium on the permitting, consideration, approval, location, erection, construction, and/or installation of Mineral Extractions (generally, the mining, […]

 Sara Swanson

More than 100K Michiganders may lose Medicaid by end of month

by Robin Erb (Bridge Michigan) More than 100,000 Michiganders may lose their health coverage after July 31 if they do not return re-enrollment paperwork by that time, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services said Monday. And that is just the first wave of residents who may lose coverage as recipients are once again required […]

 Sara Swanson

Trump endorsed by full Michigan GOP congressional delegation

by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge Michigan) LANSING — Michigan’s entire Republican congressional delegation is backing Donald Trump’s bid to return to the White House, his presidential campaign announced Tuesday. U.S. Reps. Tim Walberg, Bill Huizenga, John Molenaar, Jack Bergman, Lisa McClain and John James will also serve on Trump’s “2024 Michigan federal leadership team,” according to the […]