Online candidate forum for District 14A Court position
The Washtenaw County Democratic Party is hosting an online panel for candidates for the non-partisan and currently vacant District Court position in District 14A, which includes the Manchester area and will appear on Manchester area general election ballots in November. Before the District court panel, there will be a panel for candidates for the District […]
2022 Youth Fundamental Football Camp
submitted by Ben Pack, Manchester High School Football All students entering Kindergarten through 6th grade this fall are invited to attend Manchester’s 2022 Youth Fundamental Football Camp on July 28 and 29 from 6 to 8pm on the turf at the football stadium. The cost is $30 and includes a T-shirt, certificate, and daily popsicles. […]
Free drinking water well screening
The Washtenaw County Conservation District will accept drinking water well samples for nitrate screening Tuesday, August 4, from 8:30am to 4:30pm at 705 N Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor. The screening is sponsored by the Washtenaw County Conservation District and the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP). There is no fee to participants for this service. […]
WCRC applying fog seal in Manchester Township
In Manchester Township, Austin Rd between county line and Village of Manchester, and Sharon Hollow Rd between Herman and Austin roads will have intermittent lane closures this week for fog sealing. What is fog seal? It is the second part of the chip seal coat. A fog seal is another thin layer of liquid asphalt […]
Sarah Thompson named to Dean’s List at University of Findlay
Sarah Thompson of Manchester was named to the spring 2022 dean’s list at the University of Findlay. To earn this achievement, a student must attain a grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. Located in Findlay, Ohio, the University of Findlay is known not only for science, health professions, animal science, […]
Madilyn Chandler of Manchester makes Dean’s List at RIT
Madilyn Chandler of Manchester was named to the Dean’s List at Rochester Institute of Technology for the Spring 2022 semester. Chandler is in the film and animation program. Full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for the Dean’s List if their term GPA is greater than or equal to 3.400; they do not have any grades […]
Public notice: Bridgewater Township
BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Accuracy Test for the 2-Aug-22 Primary Election has been scheduled for Wednesday 27-July-22 at 1:00 p.m. at the Bridgewater Township Hall, 10990 Clinton Rd, Manchester, MI. The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the program and equipment that will […]
Public notice: Bridgewater Township
ELECTION NOTICE TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIPS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PRIMARY ELECTION will be held in said governmental units on TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2022 From 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The State Primary Election is being held for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices: Governor, Representative in […]
Public notice: Manchester township
MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING COMMERCIAL WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS (WECS) MORATORIUM Ordinance No. 98 Notice of Adoption Please take notice that on July 12, 2022, the Township Board of Manchester Township adopted Ordinance No. 98, which imposes a one-year moratorium on the permitting, consideration, approval, location, erection, construction, and/or installation of Commercial […]
Public notice: Manchester Township
MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING MINERAL EXTRACTION MORATORIUM Ordinance No. 97 Notice of Adoption Please take notice that on July 12, 2022, the Township Board of Manchester Township adopted Ordinance No. 97, which imposes a one-year moratorium on the permitting, consideration, approval, location, erection, construction, and/or installation of Mineral Extractions (generally, the mining, […]