Senior Newsletter THE TRUMPETER – November 2020
The November 2020 edition of Manchester’s Newsletter for Seniors, THE TRUMPETER, is now available. Download it here: 3. 11 Nov 2020 Trumpeter new Download the calendar here: 4. 11 Nov Calendar 2020
Public notice: Bridgewater Township
BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SYNOPSIS 5-Nov-20 The regular monthly meeting of the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Fromhart at 7:01 p.m. Five board members were present (quorum) with 5 citizens in attendance. Board heard citizen participation. Board approved the 1-Oct-20 meeting minutes as presented. Board approved the […]
How Biden won, even as much of Michigan went for Trump: 5 election takeaways
by Mike Wilkinson (Bridge) Over two days, TV and social media offered breathless takes of the race in Michigan between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Trump was up big early. Then Biden came back to win by a whisker. Except elections don’t work that way. Results are geographic, all cast on […]
Republicans largely quiet as Trump claims fraud, falsely says he won Michigan
by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) President Donald Trump’s unproven claims of corruption and voter fraud in Detroit were condemned by Michigan Democrats but prompted little response from Republican leaders, who have generally stayed quiet as the president questions the legitimacy of the nation’s election system. Trump, in a Thursday evening address from the White House, called […]
Trump got more votes in Detroit than most Republicans
by Mike Wilkinson, Mansur Shaheen, Paula Gardner (Bridge) Donald Trump may have alleged election fraud in Detroit, but he received more votes for president than any other Republican in years in the city. In a speech Thursday from the White House that claimed wholesale fraud nationwide in his election against Democrat Joe Biden, Trump blasted […]
November 2020 election local results
With the presidential race too close to call nationally, key states, including Michigan are warning that with the record-breaking voter turnout and the large number of absentee ballots to process, it may not be until later today or even Thursday that we know the winner. However, we do know how Manchester voted. Manchester area precincts […]
More than half of the total number that voted in 2016 have already voted absentee in Manchester Township, fewer in other townships
As of Friday, the state reports that more than 2.6 million Michiganders have already voted in the upcoming election. While absentee voter numbers are up everywhere in Washtenaw, they are not evenly spread across the county. According to MLive, while Ann Arbor has had 42% of their registered voters (or 51% with inactive voters excluded) […]
Overview of COVID-19 in the Manchester area
COVID-19 in 48158 The Washtenaw County Health Department first reported positive COVID-19 cases by zip code the first week of April. At that time they reported that we had 5 cases in 48158, Manchester’s main zip code. As of last Thursday, 48158 has had 58 positive cases. The health department has calculated that .78% of […]
Statement from Manchester Township Board regarding Ashkay Island, LLC
The following statement was submitted to The Mirror by the Manchester Township Board on October 27, 2020: October 26, 2020 Over the past several years, the reoccurring issue of AshKay Island, LLC, which operates a commercial private island vacation resort located on Iron Mill Pond in Manchester Township, has come before the Township Board. It […]
November 2020 Gardening Advice
submitted by Jennifer Fairfield, Garden Mill and Manchester Community & School Gardens November is definitely a time for crazy weather in Michigan, and yesterday was no exception! This week will prove that we never can really know what to expect in the way of weather in Southeast Michigan. We will go from snow squalls yesterday […]