Sara Swanson

Crashes, injuries spike after Michigan boosts freeway speed limits to 75 mph

by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) ITHACA –  For Connor Learman, Michigan’s 75 miles per hour speed limit on US-127 allows him to shave a few minutes off his weekend snowboarding trip up north and all but eliminates the risk he’ll get pulled over by police. “I go 80 anyways, so it gets me closer,” the 22-year-old […]

 Sara Swanson

Five things to know about Michigan’s Medicaid work rules

by Robin Erb (Bridge) Thousands of Michigan residents enrolled in Healthy Michigan are now expected to work 80 hours a month — or tell the state why they can’t — to continue receiving health insurance under Michigan’s expanded Medicaid program. Who’s affected? The work rules apply only to a portion of Michigan’s 662,000 people who […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan residents say they oppose uncertified teachers leading classrooms

by Alexandra Schmidt (Bridge) In an era where education policy can be divisive, Michigan residents overwhelmingly agree on one thing: They want trained, certified teachers leading school classrooms. A large majority say they are skeptical that long-term substitute teachers who currently are in charge of thousands of Michigan classrooms can provide a quality education for […]

 Sara Swanson

Five things to know as Michigan lawmakers kick-start state budget process

by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) LANSING — Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Republican-led Legislature wrapped up a bitter nine-month budget fight in December, with a deal that restored more than half of her $1 billion in line-item vetoes but included no new money to fix the state’s roads. A month later, they’re getting ready […]

 Sara Swanson

Guiding Good Choices parent workshops

Parents, are you interested in creating a deeper bond with your youth? Do you want to raise strong, resilient children and help empower the youth in your life? The Manchester United Methodist Church and SRSLY Manchester are partnering to offer free Guiding Good Choices Parent Workshops on five Wednesday evenings, starting February 5. The two-hour […]

 Sara Swanson

WCRC introduces Chat with the Road Commission

The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) announced, Chat with the Road Commission, a new opportunity for the public to engage with WCRC leadership. It is an informal drop-in period from 11:45 am – 12:45 pm on the first and third Tuesdays of the month before their regular board meetings. Road commission leadership will be available during […]

 Sara Swanson

January 2020 Student of the Month, Lee Blumenauer

The Manchester Community School Foundation’s January 2020 Student of the Month for Manchester High School is Lee Blumenauer.  Lee is the son of Dan and Denise Blumenauer. Lee is the Secretary of the Class of 2020, a Link Crew Mentor and a member of the MHS Future Farmers of America. He is an active member of […]

 Sara Swanson

Join the Manchester Mirror Community Reporter Corps

Would you like to help expand coverage of township issues in the Manchester Mirror? Join the Manchester Mirror Community Reporter Corps! Within the Manchester Mirror coverage area are four townships, the village, and the school board. That’s six units of government meeting (at least) monthly, as well as a wide array of committees, commissions, and […]

 Sara Swanson

Get ready for the Chocolate Potluck!

The Manchester Ladies Society is preparing to hold its seventh Annual Chocolate potluck on January 25th at 1 pm at the United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall located at 501 Ann Arbor St on the lower level (parking in rear). All women and girls are invited. This event is FREE and is just for fun; it […]

 Sara Swanson

Photo: Deer herd ice skating at Riverside