Sara Swanson

Public Notice: Village of Manchester

VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING January 6, 2019- 7:00 PM Notice is hereby given that the Manchester Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 6, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Manchester Village Hall, 912 City Road, Manchester, MI. The purpose of the hearing […]

 Sara Swanson

Merry Christmas from the Manchester Mirror!

We do not publish an edition the week of Christmas so this week’s print and digital editions are the last until the digital edition Monday, December 30th and print edition January 1st. Thank you to our readers, contributors, donors and advertisers for helping us grow this past year. We look forward to continuing to serve […]

 Sara Swanson

15,000 Michigan kids take two years of kindergarten. Is Lansing listening?

By Ron French (Bridge) One in eight Michigan kindergarteners now take two years of kindergarten. That’s a financial boon to families with young children and schools, but a $127 million bill to the state for an extra year of schooling with unknown academic impact. In essence, families and schools are stepping in where Lansing hasn’t […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan, we have a budget deal. (Give or take $400 million)

By Riley Beggin (Bridge) LANSING –  It’s done. For now. After weeks of stalled negotiations, fallouts and name-calling, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and legislative leaders agreed on a plan to spend more than half of the nearly $1 billion that Whitmer vetoed from the budget and restrict her power to move money within state departments. The House and Senate nearly […]

 Sara Swanson

30-minute guarantee at Michigan Secretary of State — if you have appointment

By Riley Beggin (Bridge) Michiganders can officially get in and out of any Secretary of State branch office in under 30 minutes — with an appointment. For walk-ins, however, long waits are still the norm. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced Thursday that her office had fulfilled a central campaign promise: a guarantee that no […]

 Sara Swanson

Village waits for news from Lansing on cityhood

Village residents will soon receive a newsletter with the latest information about the process of Manchester becoming a city. “It is a long process!” is the basic message of the newsletter. Residents are asked to be aware that while a village-wide petition drive will likely take place after the first of the year, that is […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester bird enthusiasts invited to help with Christmas Bird Count

submitted by Johanna Lentz, Lenawee Birders The National Audubon Society invites birdwatchers to participate in the longest-running community science survey, the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC). On December 14, 2019, birders and nature enthusiasts in Clinton and surrounding areas including Manchester, will take part in this tradition, many rising before dawn to participate. It […]

 Sara Swanson

School holiday band concerts

Looking for some seasonal music to get you in the Christmas spirit? Everyone is invited to the two upcoming school winter concerts. Riverside Intermediate School’s 5th grade and 6th grade bands and Manchester Junior High’s 7th & 8th grade band will be holding their winter concert this Thursday, December 12th at 7pm in the High […]

 Sara Swanson

2nd Annual Reindeer Trail Walk/Run results

Manchester High School Cross Country held their 2nd Annual Reindeer Trail Run/Walk Saturday during Christmas in the Village. The run/walk, utilizing the County’s Leonard Preserve, had a good turnout despite the cold weather. Angie Flint, one of the organizers, stated, ” We had a total of 135 runners! It was another successful year and we […]

 Sara Swanson

Emanuel Church to present the 44th Annual Live Nativity

submitted by Kelly Blaine, Emanuel Church This annual Christmas event returns Thursday and Friday, December 19 and 20 from 7 – 9 pm in the courtyard of Emanuel Church, 324 W. Main Street. As in each year since 1976, members will portray the Holy Family, Angels, Wise men and Shepherds, along with sheep brought in […]