Visit with & write to Santa
If they missed visiting with Santa last weekend, children can visit with Santa on the porch of the Shoppes of Alber Mill on Saturday, December 14th from noon to 2 pm and Saturday, December 21st from noon to 2 pm. Additionally, Manchester’s special delivery Santa Mailbox is located on the porch at the Shoppes of […]
December 2019 Student of the Month, Natalie Bargardi
The Manchester Community Schools Foundation December 2019 Student of the Month for Manchester High School is Natalie Bargardi. Natalie is the daughter of Kim and Dave Bargardi. She is the Secretary of the Manchester High School National Honor Society. She is also the Treasurer of the Class of 2020 and a Link Crew mentor. Natalie […]
Public Notice: Bridgewater Township
BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SYNOPSIS 5-Dec-19 The regular monthly meeting of the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Fromhart at 7:06 pm. Five board members were present (quorum) with 3 citizens in attendance. Board heard citizen participation. Board approved the 7-Nov-19 meeting minutes as amended. Board approved the […]
Manchester Junior/Senior High School 2019-2020 1st quarter Honor Roll
Manchester Jr./Sr. High School has announced its honor rolls for the 1st quarter of the 2019 – 2020 school year. Congratulations to all of the students on the honor roll! Manchester Senior High High Honors 12th Grade Alexa, Payton L Ball, Mikayla A Bargardi, Natalie F Baron, Annelise M Belue, Randall A Blumenauer, Hayley E […]
December 2019 gardening advice
by Jennifer Fairfield, Garden Mill and Manchester Community & School Gardens I feel like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland – running around saying, “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date!” I seem to be late in doing a lot of things at the moment – like getting this month’s newsletter out, […]
Christmas in the Village 2019 (photos)
Photos of just of the few activities last weekend! Friday, December 6th: Christmas in the Village Parade Hot Chocolate Station Saturday, December 7th: Craft Shows Activities around the Village
GOP leaders: We won’t halt Michigan Medicaid work requirements
By Riley Beggin (Bridge) LANSING – Michigan Republicans are rebuffing calls from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to postpone Medicaid work rules set to begin Jan. 1, amid a federal lawsuit challenging the policy. Next month, Michigan will require most of the state’s more than 650,000 Medicaid recipients to prove they’re working, in school, amid job training or doing other […]
Opioid addiction treatment just got easier for thousands in Michigan
By Robin Erb (Bridge) Thousands of Michiganders battling opioid addictions are closer to treatment after the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services this week stripped away an administrative barrier to care. The state on Tuesday removed “prior authorization” requirements for medications used to treat opioid use disorder, including buprenorphine, as part of medication-assisted treatment, […]
Community college costs soar in Michigan. Blame sinking state aid.
By Mike Wilkinson (Bridge) In a state that has struggled to increase the number of people with college degrees, the gap between tuition costs at Michigan’s 28 community colleges is widening. At just over $3,000 for a year of classes, Oakland Community College is the least expensive in the state, and it sits in one […]
Petting zoo, animals in the parade, and more last-minute Christmas in the Village details
submitted by Jennifer Wojtowicz, Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce Here are some last minute details about Christmas in the village: Festival of Trees – Located in the alley. Be sure to vote for your favorite tree on Sat., Dec 7, 9 am-4 pm, by placing non-perishable donation under your chosen tree. Donations go to the […]