Sara Swanson

Public notice: Bridgewater Township

BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SYNOPSIS 7-Nov-19 The regular monthly meeting of the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Fromhart at 7:00 pm. Five board members were present (quorum) with 5 citizens in attendance. Board heard citizen participation. Board approved the 3-Oct-19 meeting minutes as presented. Board approved the […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan transplant surgeon calls vaping damage to teen’s lungs ‘evil’

by Robin Erb (Bridge) The ravages of vaping to a Michigan teen’s lungs – a 17-year-old believed to be the nation’s first double lung transplant for vaping-related respiratory system failure  – was “an evil I haven’t faced before,” one of the surgeons said Tuesday. Dr. Hassan Nemeh, surgical director of thoracic organ transplant at Henry […]

 Sara Swanson

11 safety tips for deer firearms hunting in Michigan

by Bob Campbell (Bridge) With hundreds of thousands of hunters gearing up for Michigan’s deer firearms season, caution is critical. Here are some tips for avoiding tragedy: Clearly identify your target: No deer or other game is worth the risk of injuring or killing anyone. Michigan Department of Natural Resources incident reports are rife with […]

 Sara Swanson

Critics fear Michigan is promising the moon to land cloud data storage firms

By Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) LANSING –  Michigan’s next big battle over tax incentives focuses on server farms, as state officials try to lure massive cloud storage data centers that Facebook and Google are opening in other states. Four years after using a tax break to lure a Switch data center to a pyramid-shaped building in […]

 Sara Swanson

As climate change threatens Midwest cultural identity, cities explore how to adapt

by Dan Gearino (Bridge) Think of a Minnesota with almost no ice fishing. A Missouri that is as hot and dry as Texas. River and lake communities where catastrophic flooding happens almost every year, rather than every few generations. This, scientists warn, is the future of the Midwest if emissions continue at a high rate, […]

 Sara Swanson

Come help form a new charity resale shop!

Manchester residents have felt the absence of Worth Repeating, the non-profit resale store that served as a provider of inexpensive, used clothing, shoes, books, gifts and even furniture, since its closing in 2017. A group of residents headed up by Pat Sahakian want to reboot the endeavor by forming “Worth Repeating Again”, and they would […]

 Sara Swanson

Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café update

submitted by Ruth VanBogelen, Acorn Farmers Market Board In February, the idea of starting a year around farmers market store in Manchester emerged. Now, nine months later, there is a store in Manchester selling locally grown/produce food items. The store at 327 W. Main St is open Thursdays and Fridays 3 – 7 pm and […]

 Sara Swanson

Joshua Gregory travels to Lansing to be Junior Senator for a Day

Manchester resident Joshua Gregory was welcomed to the State Capitol last Tuesday as one of State Sen. Lana Theis’ 2019 “Be a Senator for a Day” summer reading contest winners. Joshua, a sixth-grader, was joined by his mother, Michelle Gregory. They spent most of Tuesday in Lansing and were able to attend Senate session and […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Thespian Society to present Clue!

submitted by Jacob Mann, Manchester Thespian Society The Manchester Thespian Society (formerly the Manchester High School Drama Club) is producing and performing Clue! based on the board game by The Parker Brothers, and the movie by Jonathan Lynn. Our cast and crew have been working since September to put this fabulous show on for our […]

 Sara Swanson

Book gifting program to send free books to Manchester’s youngest residents

Books and reading are necessary to the development of the minds of our youngest residents. This fall, multiple Manchester organizations have come together to have free books mailed to the homes of area children, from birth to age 5, starting this week! Manchester resident Shannon Brown has been working for months to bring Dolly Parton’s […]