Herbfest at the Farmers Market
This Thursday, July 25th from 3:30pm to 7pm, the Manchester Farmers Market at Chi Bro Park will feature Herbfest! Herbfest is all about educating the public on the many fascinating ways to use herbs for cooking and for health. The Herb Fairy will be a special guest and will pass out fresh herb samples. The Farmers […]
Conservation District seeks nominations for 2019 Awards
The Washtenaw County Conservation District is seeking nominations for their 2019 Conservation Awards. Do you know someone deserving? Consider nominating someone in one of the following categories: 2019 Small or Beginning Farmer of the Year (celebrating the efforts of small farmers with ten acres or less and/or beginning farmers in their first ten years of farming), […]
SASHA Farm Humane Fair 2019
On Sunday, August 11 between 12pm- 4pm, SASHA Farm Animal Sanctuary, located at 17901 Mahrle Rd. in Manchester will be holding their 2019 Humane Fair. Tickets which include lunch are available on their website www.sashafarm.org or at the door. Tickets for adults and children ages 11 and older are $30. Tickets for children ages 6-10 […]
WCRC work this week
After all of the road work last week in Manchester and Sharon Townships, things will be calmer this week with the only work the Washtenaw County Road Commission will be doing in our area is gravel resurfacing on Sharon Hollow Road between Ely and Herman Roads in Manchester Township. The road work is scheduled to […]
Looking Back… The 1982 Chicken Broil
Manchester photographer Gerald Grossman collected these on-the-ground snaps of the 29th Annual Chicken Broil in Manchester.
Pirates invade Manchester (photos)
If you were downtown the afternoon of Saturday July 13th you may have done a double-take. No, you hadn’t been transported to the 17th century Caribbean Sea, but yes the streets were full of pirates. The corsairs, freebooters, and buccaneers were participants in the Pirate Invasion of the Saline Celtic Festival and the after-party which […]
Letter to the editor: Response to “Where are our Senators?” and “What has happened to the country I love?”
(See letters refered to here and here) July 20, 2019 I don’t know where the information in these Letters to the Editor came from but any number of searches in any browser will differ from what was provided. These letters are written from a stance of an emotional and non-factual bias. Undocumented fellow humans cannot […]
Climate change could bring woe to Michigan’s lakes, farms, forests
by Jim Malewitz (Bridge) It’s not just heat. A growing body of research predicts climate change could bring a host of problems in the coming decades in Michigan, from increased algae blooms on the Great Lakes and crop-killing pests on farms to extinctions and increased air pollution. Last October, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate […]
Public Notice: Bridgewater Township
BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP, WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION Notice is hereby given that the Bridgewater Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, August 19, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Township Hall (10990 Clinton Road, Manchester, MI 48158) to receive comments on an application for […]
Think it’s hot now? Michigan’s 90° days could quadruple in 20 years
by Magdalena Mihaylova (Bridge) All 83 counties in Michigan are getting hotter, and a report released Tuesday predicts it will only get worse, as the number of days with heat indexes over 90 degrees will quadruple in the next 20 years. The report from the Union of Concerned Scientists, a Massachusetts-based nonprofit science advocacy group, predicts extreme temperatures […]