Sara Swanson

2019 Manchester Community Fair champions

All photos courtesy of the Manchester Community Fair Board. 2019 Manchester Fair Queen: Gillian Bross1st Runner Up: Kayla Ridenour2nd Runner Up: Alyvia Hock3rd Runner Up: Victoria Woods4th Runner Up: Maddie HarrisMiss Congeniality: Lauren Nitchie Eli Schmidt was the winner of the opportunity to ride in the Demo Derby with a car provided by the Manchester […]

 Sara Swanson

Obituary: Robert Keith Trent, Sr.

His Legacy… Robert Keith Trent, Sr., Age 96, passed away July 13, 2019. He was born on July 6, 1923, in North Salem, Indiana to Carson and Grace (Steadman) Trent. Bob married the love of his life, Lucille Steele, on August 18, 1945, in Manchester, Michigan. Bob served honorably in the U.S. Army during WWII with […]

 Sara Swanson

Public Notice: Manchester Township

Township of Manchester  Resolution No. 19-08  July 2, 2019  A resolution to adopt an ordinance to amend the Manchester Township Zoning Ordinance to regulate “small-cell” wireless communication facilities by amending Section 4.04 “Density and Height Regulations”, Subsection D, and by amending Section 16.20 “Commercial Communication Towers”, Subsection D “General Regulations”, Subsection 6 “Height”, pursuant to […]

 Sara Swanson

Invasive plants choke Michigan waters. So why can anyone order them online?

by Alexandra Schmidt (Bridge) Michigan spends millions of dollars a year to fight invasive plants that harm the water, lower fish populations and threaten recreational tourism. Yet despite the potential damage, invasive plants are still brought into the state.  Often, as Bridge Magazine discovered, a purchase is just a click away.  Aquatic plants listed as invasive, and thus illegal, […]

 Sara Swanson

After 10 years of steady growth, Michigan’s economy faces headwinds

by  Lindsay VanHulle, Mike Wilkinson (Bridge) A decade since 2009 — the end of the worst recession in generations — Michigan’s economy has grown at a tortoise pace: Slow and steady. Today, unemployment is low. Most of the jobs lost in Michigan during the 2000s have been regained. And consumers are still generally optimistic, though they’re concerned about […]

 Sara Swanson

Citizen’s Committee votes to recommend pursuing cityhood

The Village of Manchester Citizen’s Advisory Committee investigating cityhood held its final meeting on June 25th, and voted to recommend the Village pursue city status. Those present voted unanimously and the two absent members of the committee submitted letters of support. The Committee chair, Jim Keller, summarized their final report at the Village Council meeting […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester hosting Ford Village Industries “Farm to Factory” Tour

Manchester still holds a special piece of Henry Ford history–in fact, it holds two. The Manchester area is home to two of the about 20 “Village Industries” Ford built in rural communities in south-east Michigan during the 1920s and 30s. On Sunday, July 28th, from 1 to 4 pm, the Manchester Area Historical Society and […]

 Sara Swanson

11th Annual Run Manchester

The 11th Annual Run Manchester will be held Saturday, August 3rd. The 5k/10k race will start at 8 am on the Main Street Bridge. You can register at before the day of the race for $30 for the 5K and $35 for the 10K. Sign up by July 22nd to be guaranteed a Run Manchester t-shirt. […]

 Sara Swanson

Cage Free Eggs – a bit of Acorn news

Eggs from the farmers markets or a friend/family have a different color yolk and different consistency white than eggs from the grocery store–even the ones labeled “cage free.”  Why?  If you look up the USDA definition for cage free it states the hens cannot live in a cage but can be housed in a building […]

 Sara Swanson

Road work this week

Other than the continuing work on resurfacing M-52 south of Manchester, the only road work in the Manchester area this week is an extension of last week’s work on Sharon Hollow Road due to weather, again. Sharon Hollow Road, between Ely and Herman roads in Manchester Township, will continue to experience intermittent lane closures due […]