2019 Fireworks a success; contribute now for 2020
Manchester’s Independence Day fireworks, paid for by the Manchester’s Mens Club, were successfully executed last Wednesday night. Austin Scott of the Mens Club stated, “It was a really great show! Huge thanks goes out to all the volunteers that helped from set-up to clean-up. Every year, we are able to put on such a great […]
July 2019 gardening advice
by Jennifer Fairfield, Garden Mill With all the rain we got in May and June, many of our gardens are way behind where they normally would be at this point. This year was the latest I have ever planted my veggie garden, and I just never got around to some things, like peas. I did […]
Obituary: Mary Francis Sweet
Mary was born Mary Francis Hord on March 7, 1926 near a small town in rural Eastern Kentucky. Springdale, Kentucky lay along the Great Ohio River with the railroad track following alongside the river. Springdale had about a dozen homes, a store and a post office with one road in and out, Cabin Creek road. […]
Obituary: Donald Harold Rhees
His Legacy… Donald Harold Rhees, 94, passed away Thursday, July 4, 2019. at his home surrounded by his loving family. He was born on September 4, 1926 in Jackson, MI to Harold and Gladys (Johnson) Rhees. Don is a 1944 Graduate of Manchester High School; following graduation he served in the United State Navy where […]
Public Notice: Bridgewater, Manchester & Sharon Townships
NOTICE OF ELECTION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF the Townships of Bridgewater, Manchester and Sharon: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2019 FROM 7:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. AN ELECTION WILL BE HELD FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING ON ONE (1) Washtenaw intermediate school district proposal (SEE BELOW FOR SUMMARY). Full text […]
Public Notice: Sharon Township
SHARON TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST The Sharon Township Election Commission will be conducting a public accuracy test Thursday, July 18, 2019, at 10:00am, at the town hall, 18010 Pleasant Lake Rd, Manchester, MI. The purpose of this meeting is to test the election equipment to be used in the upcoming August 6, 2019 […]
Public Notice: Bridgewater
BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to qualified electors of Bridgewater Township that the Public Accuracy Test for the 6-Aug-19 Special Election has been scheduled for Wednesday, 31-Jul-19 at 3:30 p.m. at the Bridgewater Township Hall, 10990 Clinton Rd, Manchester, MI. The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that […]
3 ways Michigan elections remain vulnerable — and what the state can do about it
by Riley Beggin (Bridge) LANSING—Around 50 elections officials and analysts met at an outpost of the Lansing City Clerk’s office in June, eagerly awaiting the day’s activity: Piloting a relatively new method for ensuring accurate election results. The volunteers — from as near as Delta Township and as far as California — were there to […]
Lyme disease is spreading across Michigan. But why?
by Jim Malewitz (Bridge) Lyme disease diagnoses have surged nationwide in recent years, and Michigan is no exception. In 2018, the state documented 262 cases of the disease whose symptoms include fever, chills, headaches, fatigue, and muscle and joint aches. That was down slightly from the 291 diagnosis in 2017, but far higher than in […]
A woman, a tick, and the fight in Michigan over Lyme disease
by Magdalena Mihaylova, Robin Erb (Bridge) LANSING—No one can tell Breanna Ramos her symptoms aren’t real ‒ from the crushing exhaustion, to the pain that at times has sent her to the floor. But in a Lansing hearing room recently, the 26-year-old Clarklake woman and others laid bare what they said were the misdiagnoses, misfired treatments, confusion, […]