Sara Swanson

Michigan landfills are a small source for PFAS in waterways, study says

by Jim Malewitz (Bridge) LANSING —  A new report suggests toxins called PFAS are entering Michigan waterways from a surprising source: landfills. The report from the The Michigan Waste and Recycling Association underscores the prevalence of the hazardous chemicals used in everyday products and their danger to waters. But its authors caution that most PFAS  in […]

 Sara Swanson

How a typo revived a Michigan fish feud over hungry Yoopers and science

by Jim Malewitz (Bridge) Tony Demboski can’t think of a better breakfast than a few brook trout, rolled in flour, salt and pepper and fried alongside eggs and potatoes. “One of the finest-eating fishes there is,” said the 79-year-old resident of Quinnesec, a speck of a town outside of Iron Mountain in Michigan’s western Upper Peninsula. But […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan House approves records transparency for Legislature and Governor

by Riley Beggin (Bridge) In a unanimous vote, the Michigan House voted to pass most of a bipartisan package that would open the state Legislature and Governor’s office to public records requests — government access that people in 48 other states already enjoy. “We’re here to serve the public and people deserve to see what we’re doing […]

 Sara Swanson

Proposed repeal of Michigan ‘pension tax’ prompts fairness debate

by Lindsay VanHulle (Bridge) Is it fair to tax some Michiganders’ retirement income and not others? Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and GOP lawmakers who control the budget process will have to contend with that question this spring as they negotiate whether Whitmer’s campaign promise to undo her Republican predecessor’s tax on some retirement income will be built […]

 Sara Swanson

Photos: 4th graders visit the Manchester District Library

submitted by Lois Bohl and Cindy Hanewald, Riverside Intermediate School We would like to share some pictures of our walking field trip to the Manchester Public Library on March 12, 2019 as part of our March is Reading Month activities. Mrs. Hanewald’s and Mrs. Bohl’s 4th grade classes from Riverside Intermediate School enjoyed learning about the library […]

 Sara Swanson

Community Conversations Workshop: experiences of LGBTQ youth

On Monday, March 18 from 6:30 to 8 pm, the Manchester District Library will host a Washtenaw County Community Conversations Workshop. This community discussion and learning opportunity about the experiences of LGBTQ young people in our district is free and open to the public Participants will learn to understand the concepts of sexual orientation and […]

 Sara Swanson

Meet the MCS staff: Riverside Staff

submitted by Manchester Community Schools

 Sara Swanson

Letter to the Editor: Thank you for helping to make it a successful prom dress boutique

March 16th, 2019 We wrapped up our 6th annual Prom Dress Boutique on Saturday, and we all agreed it was a great event. We had lots of girls and their moms or grandmoms, plus a few best friends, and a family that came, found a dress, left, and then came back with a friend that […]

 Sara Swanson

WCSO warns of IRS phone scams

Sheriff Clayton and the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind you to be aware of potential IRS phone scams and to be prepared. Now that taxes have been filed and many are awaiting a refund or paying off a tax bill, IRS imposters may attempt to take advantage. Criminals are looking for ways […]

 Sara Swanson

Public Notice: Bridgewater Township

BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SYNOPSIS 7-Mar-19 The regular monthly meeting of the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Fromhart at 7:00 pm. Five board members were present (quorum) with 5 citizens in attendance. Board heard citizen participation. Board approved the 7-Feb-19 meeting minutes as presented. Board approved the […]