Sara Swanson

Manchester Township and Washtenaw County both release broadband reports

At the end of November, Manchester Township released its broadband study report looking at options for bringing broadband to the township. Ten days later, the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners Broadband Equity Sub-Committee released its final report. In summary, the County’s report states that broadband is important and rural Manchester residents need it. The Township’s report […]

 Sara Swanson

Obituary: Harold James Walkowe

His Legacy… Harold James Walkowe, Age 88, passed away December 29, 2018.  He was born on October 14, 1930, in Chelsea, Michigan to Joseph and Frances (Zink) Walkowe.  Jim married the love of his life, Geneva O’Dell, on June 14, 1958, in Manchester, Michigan at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church. Jim worked on the family […]

 Sara Swanson

Senior Newsletter THE TRUMPETER – January 2019

The January 2019 edition of Manchester’s Newsletter for Seniors, THE TRUMPETER, is now available. Download it here: January 2019 Trumpeter. Correction from The Trumpeter editor Marg Jacob: “There is an error in January Trumpeter. Barb, the sewing lady, will come to Emanuel UCC’s Fellowship Hall (where we eat our twice-weekly lunches) on the THIRD TUESDAY of the […]

 Sara Swanson

Merry Christmas from the Manchester Mirror

All of us at the Manchester Mirror wish you a Merry Christmas! We do not publish an edition the week of Christmas so this week’s print and digital editions are the last until the digital edition Monday, December 31st and print edition January 2nd. There will be no digital or print edition next week. Thank […]

 Sara Swanson

Cub Scouts lay wreaths at Great Lakes National Cemetery

In November Manchester’s Cub Scout Pack 421 asked the community to sponsor wreaths to be laid on grave markers at the Wreaths Across America ceremony at the Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly, MI. On Saturday, Cub Scouts from the pack and their family members participated in the ceremony. Angie Flint stated, “After the remembrance ceremony, our […]

 Sara Swanson

Library installs new drop boxes

submitted by Tamara Denby In the interest of better serving its patrons, this month the Manchester District Library installed new drop boxes in Bridgewater and Manchester Village. The new boxes will provide better protection of returned items against the elements, and they would not have been installed without the assistance of several Manchester residents and businesses. The […]

 Sara Swanson

Homeschool students spread holiday cheer to seniors

by Jennifer Blackwell The youth of Manchester are once again spreading holiday cheer. This time a small group of local homeschooling students are caroling out in the greater community. One local homeschool mom, Laura Wohlgemuth, gathered five local families to form a Holiday Homeschool Choir. When asked why she decided to pull the group together […]

 Sara Swanson

Emanuel Church to present 43rd Annual Live Nativity

Emanuel United Church of Christ will present its 43rd Live Nativity on Thursday and Friday, December 20 & 21 from 7 to 9 pm, in the courtyard between the church and fellowship hall located at 324 West Main Street. Stop by and observe this long standing Manchester tradition which started in 1976. Through the years, these evenings have brought the […]

 Sara Swanson

Email scam directed at Manchester church parishioners

Some Manchester St Mary Catholic Church parishioners were targeted by an email scam last week that has been targeting different church communities across the United States and Canada beginning last spring. Scammers send an email pretending to be the priest or pastor, asking the recipient to buy iTunes gift cards for someone in the hospital or […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Junior/Senior High School 2018-2019 1st quarter Honor Roll

Manchester Senior High High Honors 12th Grade Boote, Jocelyn R Bortmas, Quenton W Bourland, Paige E Bross, Gillian R Cole, Autumn J Collins, Avery L Daniels, Calvin S DeWolfe, Ashley L Dresch, Reese L Edwards, Ashley L Edwards, Rayna K Ernst, Mitchell K Farmer, Alik D Foltz, Hannah C Fryt, Jaydin G Geldner, Mikayla A […]