Public Notice: Bridgewater Township
BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SYNOPSIS 6-Dec-18 The regular monthly meeting of the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Fromhart at 7:00 p.m. All five Board members were present (quorum) with 3 citizens in attendance. Board heard citizen participation. Board approved the 1-Nov-18 meeting minutes as amended. Board approved […]
Manchester Library dedicates artist showcase to late local resident
submitted by Tamara Denby, Manchester District Library This November, Manchester lost a beloved local artist and long-time library supporter and patron, Maureen Iott Salazar. Maureen was known to be helpful and friendly, with a warm disposition, as well as a creative and talented artist. Her works, as well as fond memories of her, are treasured […]
State Representative Donna Lasinski holds Manchester coffee hour
State Representative for the 52nd District, Donna Lasinski held a coffee hour Saturday morning in the Village Room on the lower level of Village Hall with twenty-six in attendance. Representative Lasinski started by thanking constituents for re-electing her for what will be Michigan’s 100th legislative session. She transitioned into discussing the legislature’s lame duck session. A “lame […]
Old National Bank’s Giving Tree
Manchester has many opportunities at Christmas for residents to help others less fortunate than themselves in the community. If you feel like you can’t afford to adopt a family, or Toys for Tots is too broad of a field in which to purchase gifts, consider participating in Old National Bank’s giving tree! The bank started […]
Local churches’ 2018 Christmas services
Would you like to attend a local Christmas service this year? Bethel Church, located at 10425 Bethel Church Road, will hold a Christmas Eve Service on December 24th with candlelight worship at 5 pm and holy communion at 7:30 pm. Emanuel United Church of Christ, located at 324 West Main Street, will hold Christmas Eve […]
Special church services for those finding Christmas difficult
Two local churches are offering special Christmas services for those finding Christmas difficult this year; especially for those lonely, grieving, overwhelmed, or struggling. Manchester United Methodist Church located at 501 Ann Arbor Street will be holding a Shalom service on Wednesday, December 19th at 7 pm. It is intended for anyone feeling disconnected from the […]
December 2018 Student of the Month, Autumn Cole
The December 2018 Manchester Community Schools Foundation Student of the Month for Manchester High School is Autumn Cole. Autumn is the daughter of Kristin and Michael Cole. She is the Co-President of the Manchester High School Student Council. Autumn is also a member of the MHS National Honor Society and active with the high school’s yearbook and […]
Manchester Brass Christmas Concert
The Manchester Brass Christmas Concert will be held at 1 pm on Sunday, December 16 at the Manchester United Methodist Church. The concert is free, but donations are appreciated.
Christmas blood drive
Manchester will be holding its annual Christmas Blood Drive this year on Friday, December 21st at the St. Mary Parish Center from 1 to 7 pm. Call Marja Warner at 734-428-9506 to make an appointment to give blood.