Sara Swanson

Farmers Market Holiday Recipe: Debbie’s Awesome Apple Sauce

The Manchester Farmers Market may be done for the season, but this fall, market manager Laura Wohlgemuth collected Farmers Market attendees’ favorite holiday recipes! Debbie’s Awesome Apple Sauce (This recipe is for a large crock-pot, adjustment may be required depending on size of crock-pot where noted) Fill crock-pot 3⁄4 to fully full with apples that have […]

 Sara Swanson

Senior Newsletter THE TRUMPETER – December 2018

The December 2018 edition of Manchester’s Newsletter for Seniors, THE TRUMPETER, is now available. Download it here: December 2018 Trumpeter

 Sara Swanson

Public Notice: Manchester Township

 Sara Swanson

Cub Scouts Pack 421 to help place wreaths at Great Lakes National Cemetery

Manchester’s Cub Scout Pack 421 will be among the volunteers on December 15th at noon to help place a wreath on every headstone at the Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly, Michigan and say the name of the veteran. They are teaming up with Wreaths Across America, an organization that works to place wreaths on […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchexit? Village board authorizes researching process of becoming a city

Much like the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the Village of Manchester may have taken its first step toward separating from the larger umbrella of Manchester Township. The Manchester Village board voted at its regularly scheduled board meeting last Monday to direct the village manager, Jeff Wallace, to research the process of becoming a city. As […]

 Sara Swanson

Frank’s Place reopens TODAY!

Frank’s Place fans have been waiting months for the pizzeria and Italian eatery to reopen after closing in August for renovations. No need to wait any longer! The restaurant is opening back up with their regular hours beginning today at 11 am. Frank’s Place, located at 104 East Main Street, is re-opening with their same menu with the addition of […]

 Sara Swanson

November 2018 Student of the Month, Mitchell Ernst

The Manchester Community Schools Foundation November 2018 Student of the Month for Manchester High School is Mitchell Ernst. Mitchell is the son of Kevin Ernst and Laurie Crosheck. He is the Vice President of the Manchester High School German Club and Co-Treasurer of the MHS Key Club. Mitchell is also a member of the MHS National […]

 Sara Swanson

Donna Lasinski holding a Manchester coffee hour

State Representative Donna Lasinski will be holding a coffee hour in the Village Room, located on the lower level of Village Hall/Manchester District Library at 912 City Road on Saturday, December 8th from 10 to 11 am. Representative Lasinski was just reelected for her second term. Stop in and join her for coffee and conversation […]

 Sara Swanson

Farmers Market Holiday Recipe: Boomer’s Blueberry Fluff

The Manchester Farmers Market may be done for the season, but this fall, market manager Laura Wohlgemuth collected Farmers Market attendees’ favorite holiday recipes! Submitted by Dara of Flo’s Bakery Boomer’s Blueberry Fluff 3 large croissants, torn into pieces 1 1⁄2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries 1 8oz package cream cheese, softened 2/3 cup sugar 2 […]

 Sara Swanson

Practice healthy habits to avoid illness this holiday season

The Southeast Michigan Health Association (SEMHA) and public health partners throughout southeast Michigan encourage residents to practice healthy habits to protect themselves and others against colds and flu. Flu activity increases during the holidays, as people are gathering and spending time together in close contact. Therefore, it’s important to take steps that decrease the risk […]