Sara Swanson

Work to connect Watkins Lake Trail to city set to begin!

submitted by Ron Milkey, Manchester Township Supervisor The wait is finally over! Phase 1 of the non-motorized pathway through Manchester Township to connect the City of Manchester to Watkins Lake State Park is scheduled to start Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Phase 1 of the pathway will extend from the west side of Carr Park and […]

 Sara Swanson

Millie’s turns 2 and brings an indoor golf experience to Manchester!

by Laurie Brewis Coffee and Golf! How can you go wrong? Join Millie’s Coffeehouse on Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 9am to 4pm to celebrate Millie’s Coffeehouse’s second anniversary. While you are there, check out their brand-new, state-of-the-art golf simulator! T-Time Golf Simulator is a comprehensive golfing simulator designed for everyone. It features advanced technology […]

 Sara Swanson

Semi-truck hits Sharon Church

by Sara Swanson Last Tuesday evening, the area suffered power outages as thunderstorms rolled through. One outage encompassed the traffic signal at the corner of Pleasant Lake Road and M-52. Wednesday morning a traffic accident occurred there sending one of four people involved to the hospital with a leg injury and damaging Sharon Church, located […]

 Sara Swanson

5th Annual Manchester Haunted Walk

submitted by Pat Sahakian The Manchester Area Historical Society is hosting the 5th Manchester Haunted Walk on Saturday, October 19, at 7:30pm, led by local actress and playwright Breeda Miller. The walk will feature the spooky side of Manchester history. Tickets are $20 presale or $25 at the door. Tickets go on sale Wednesday, September […]

 Sara Swanson

Final List of September Adult Learners Institute classes

submitted by Joan Gaughan, Adult Learners Institute As mentioned in the August 28 issue of the Mirror, the Manchester District Library now takes its place among the sites in which Adult Learners Institute (ALI) is offering its popular classes. Established by Henry Ford and housing both the library and the village offices, the building is […]

 Sara Swanson

Sharon Church’s annual scrap metal drive to include bottles and cans

submitted by Sharon Church We are excited to announce that Sharon Church’s annual scrap metal drive is back! Join us on September 7 and 14, from 9am to 3pm. This event not only supports our local community, but also helps further Sharon Church’s mission work. Bring any unwanted scrap metal — from old appliances to […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Cub Scouts holding Information Night

submitted by Jenni Hagood, Cub Scout Pack 421 Manchester’s Cub Scouts Pack will be holding an Information Night at Klager Elementary School on September 12 at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. Klager is located at 405 Ann Arbor St. Boys in grades K through 5th grade are invited to attend. In addition, Cub Scouts now has […]

 Sara Swanson

Pop-up for adult caregivers who need a break coming to Manchester

submitted by Chelsea Senior Center Are you a caregiver? Do you need a break? The Chelsea Senior Center will be holding a pop-up “Ease the Day” adult day program in Manchester on Friday, September 6, at 1pm in the City Building located at 912 City Rd in the Village Room (lower level). The pop-up is […]

 Sara Swanson

River Raisin Watershed Council celebrating turning 50 with a gala

submitted by River Raisin Watershed Council The River Raisin Watershed Council (RRWC) celebrates its 50th birthday this year! Formed in 1974 under the State of Michigan’s Local River Management Act, RRWC has dedicated these many years to improving the health of the River Raisin through engagement with residents, businesses, and partner organizations alike. Now, RRWC […]

 Sara Swanson

WCRC: Lane restrictions on Sharon Hollow Road

submitted by WCRC On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, the Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) will perform drainage work on Sharon Hollow Rd between Washburne Rd and Grass Lake Rd in Sharon Township. The road will not be closed to traffic, but delays are likely due to lane restrictions. WCRC encourages motorists, emergency services, and others […]

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