Bridgewater Township monastery holding Romanian-American festival
Two years ago the Romanian Orthodox monastery located on Sheridan Rd. in Bridgewater Township suffered a devastating fire, burning everything to the ground. This weekend they will be opening their doors to the public for a Romanian-American Festival! On Saturday September 1st and Sunday September 2nd, from 2 to 10 pm each day, everyone is […]
SRSLY celebrates 10 years
On August 15, at the historic Michigan Theater in downtown Ann Arbor, SRSLY Coalitions celebrated 10 years of empowering youth to live healthy, substance-free lives in Chelsea, Dexter, Stockbridge, and Manchester. Donors, volunteers and supporters of the organization attended a special celebration to recognize the difference the coalitions have made in the lives of young people […]
Women’s clothing swap and home business meet & greet scheduled for September
The Moms of Manchester (MOM) are holding a Home Business Meet and Greet AND Women’s Clothing Swap at the Manchester Farmers Market in Chi Bro Park on Thursday, September 27, from 3:30-7pm. Manchester Farmers Market manager and Manchester mom, Laura Wohlgemuth stated, “There is so much talent that many of us find we struggle to […]
Manchester District Library launches exciting new programs in September
submitted by Tamara Denby Nights are getting cooler. The kids are heading back in school. Summer is winding down. And the staff at the Manchester District Library is ready for some early autumn fun! Beginning September 1, the library will be celebrating National Library Card Sign-up Month. And, of course, celebrating involves prizes for signing […]
Bird tests positive for West Nile virus in Washtenaw County
Last week the Washtenaw County Health Department reported that a crow found in the 48105 zip code has tested positive for West Nile virus on the same day as the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services confirmed eight human cases of West Nile virus in Michigan so far in 2018. The human cases include one resident of Berrien […]
Obituary: Virginia Heinrich
Her Legacy… Virginia Heinrich, Age 93, passed away July 27, 2018. She was born on September 12, 1924, in Manchester, Michigan to Carl and Hulda (Vogt) Schaible. Virginia married the love of her life John Heinrich on June 4, 1955 in Manchester, Michigan. Together they lived in many locations throughout the United States where […]
Senior Newsletter THE TRUMPETER – September 2018
The July & August 2018 edition of Manchester’s Newsletter for Seniors, THE TRUMPETER, is now available. Download it here: September 2018 Trumpeter 2Scan_0001
Public Notice: Manchester Village
VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING September 17, 2018, 7:00 PM Notice is hereby given that the Manchester Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 17, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Manchester Village Hall, 912 City Road, Manchester, MI. The purpose of the hearing […]
Farmers Market Recipe: Balsamic Roasted Chicken and Veggies
This summer, the Manchester Farmers Market has partnered with University of Michigan School of Public Health student Rachel Lowry to provide shoppers with nutritious recipes based on ingredients that can be found at the farmers market each week. In addition to the recipe, she is providing a farmers market shopping list. A packet of recipes can […]
A look ahead to local elections on the November ballot
Now that we’ve come out of the August primary, we can look ahead to November’s election and at the multiple local elections of interest. While none of the townships are having elections, the Village council has three seats up this fall and three current council members (Cynthia Dresch, Marsha Chartrand, and Amelia Woods) running […]