Sharon Mills holding history-focused open house
Interested in local history? The county will be holding an open house at Sharon Mills on Sunday, August 26th from 1 to 4 pm. Learn about the mill’s varied uses over time with a focus on Henry Ford’s influence. The mill, which is a State Historic Site, is a located within a Washtenaw County Park […]
Tour the Consumers Energy pumping station
Have you ever wondered about the large industrial-looking building on Pleasant Lake Road just west of Freedom Township hall and Fredonia Grocery? It is the Consumers Energy Freedom pumping station and if you have ever wanted to get a closer look, now is your chance. Consumers Energy, which will be participating in the Safety Planning Seminar on […]
Fairies at the Farmers Market (photos)
Last Thursday, the Manchester Farmers Market held its annual Fairy Festival. As it coincided with the downtown’s 3rd Thursday Event, fairy fun spilled over onto Main and Adrian Streets!
Birding hike set at Watkins Lake
Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve is one of the top birding spots in the county. On Saturday, August 25th from 8 to 10 am, a Washtenaw County Parks expert, Kelsey Dehring, will lead attendees on a birding stroll through the State Park and County Preserve. Bring binoculars if you have a pair, but don’t let […]
Art Kettle calls for entries for first event
The Art Kettle, Manchester’s new Community Cultural Center and Artist Residency located at 121 West Main Street, has put out a call for entries from artists and makers with ties to Manchester for its opening show, Manchester Ties. Owner Laura Earle explained, “As you may have noticed, there’s been a great deal of activity at the […]
Bridge over Austin Rd going down to 1-lane
In Manchester Township, the Austin Road bridge over the Raisin River east of the Village between M-52 and Neal Road will be down to one lane with two-way traffic controlled by temporary traffic lights starting next Monday, August 27th through October as the Washtenaw County Road Commision begins work to preserve the bridge.
Farmers Market Recipe: Parmesan Roasted Tomatoes
This summer, the Manchester Farmers Market has partnered with University of Michigan School of Public Health student Rachel Lowry to provide shoppers with nutritious recipes based on ingredients that can be found at the farmers market each week. In addition to the recipe, she is providing a farmers market shopping list. A packet of recipes can […]
2018 Michigan August primary election results
In today’s election, Manchester Township passed its proposal to renew and increase extra-voted millage to offset Headlee Rollbacks. Precinct 2 voted yes 374 (61.41%) to no 235 (38.59%). Precinct 1 yes 310 (64.99%) to no 167 (35.01%). Voter Turnout in all five Manchester area precincts was in the 30% to 40% range with Manchester Village at […]
MHS graduate, award-winning artist and author releases Dragon Song, a new book for teens
Jennifer Carson, 1993 Manchester High School graduate and parent of a MHS student, is also an author and artist. Having previously created works for young children and middle grades, with her fifth book, Dragon Song, she is branching out into fiction for teens. What if the whispered voice inside your head was the only thing […]