Freedom Township inviting public to safety planning seminar
In fall of 2017, Freedom Township formed a committee headed up by Freedom Township Planning Commission member, Matt Little, with the goal of creating an emergency preparedness plan tailored for the Township. Since then, Little and his team have worked hard to create a detailed plan of action for the township to better prepare for […]
Tickets available for Farm to Table Fabulous Feast
The 5 Healthy Towns farm to table fabulous feast at the beautiful and historic Alber Orchard & Cider Mill is a little more than a month away, coming up on September 16th from 4 to 8 pm. While tickets, which cost $50 per person, are still available on Eventbrite, they are also available at the […]
August 2018 gardening advice
by Jennifer Fairfield I can’t say that I’m sorry to see July end. I may not have mentioned it before, but I really don’t like the super-hot weather, and last month was just a little too much for me. It was also a little too much for many of the plants in our gardens. Are […]
WCRC road work
The Washtenaw County Road Commission announced this week that they will be closing Sylvan Rd in Sharon Township for gravel resurfacing between Washburne Rd to Grass Lake Rd from August 6th through August 14th.
Obituary: James E. Barth
James E. Barth, 59, of Harrisville, passed away Monday, July 30, 2018 at his home. Born October 5, 1958 to Donald E. and Joan (Guenther) Barth in Ann Arbor, he was raised in Manchester, MI. On January 7, 1978, he married Debra Dettling at St. Mary Catholic Church in Manchester. In 1985 they moved to […]
Possible tornado? Strong storm damages trees in Sharon Township
Thursday afternoon the National Weather Service declared a severe thunderstorm warning for Washtenaw County as a number of storm cells moved through the area. One cell, which went north of the Village, left destruction in its wake and may have formed a funnel cloud. Stephanie Celkis who lives just off of Pleasant Lake Road knew […]
5th Annual Manchester Street Festival this Saturday!
Manchester’s 5th Annual Street Festival will take place this Saturday, August 4th, downtown in the Village on Main Street and Adrian Street. Here is a schedule of events: 7:30 am Run Manchester 5K & 10K Registration (see below for more information) 8:30 am Kids 1 mile Fun Run 9 am Run Manchester 5k &10k begin […]
3rd Annual “Fed Up with Hunger” Food Packing Event
Sharon United Methodist Church is inviting the community to come help with its third Annual “Fed Up with Hunger” Food Packing Event. Working with I-92 Ministries of Lenawee County, they will pack 10,000 meals for the people of Haiti on August 18 from 9 am to noon at the Sharon United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall located at the corner […]
First look at Historical Society’s post clock
by Ray Berg, Manchester Area Historical Society As a final project of the Manchester Sesquicentennial Celebration, the Manchester Area Historical Society will be installing a Verdin post clock on the lawn of the Kingsley-Jenter House. This clock will face along Main Street, but will be visible from all corners of our downtown M-52/Main Street intersection. […]
Updates on Shared Use Trail & CTAP projects
by Ray Berg, Downtown Development Authority The Village is closing in on funding and construction of Phase 2 of the Manchester Shared-Use Trail. Phase 2 will complete the trail segment from Main Street east to the former rail-bed end east of Hibbard Street, and will connect to the existing asphalt segment within Chi-Bro Park and […]