Public Notice: Changes to Village zoning district map
VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER NOTICE OF ADOPTION ORDINANCE No. 298 CHANGES TO ZONING DISTRICT MAP An amendment to The Village of Manchester Zoning Codebook and Map, changing district designations on certain parcels. THE VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER ORDAINS THAT: Section 1. Purpose The official zoning map included in Village of Manchester Village Zoning Codebook and Map, which […]
Letter to the Editor: Animal left in hot vehicle
June 1, 2018 At approximately 3:30 pm on Thursday, May 31, 2018 the temperature outside was 88 degrees. I drove through the parking lot of the Manchester Market to dispose of my recyclables. As I drove through I witnessed a family leaving their vehicle to go in and shop, sadly to say, leaving behind their […]
Klager 4th graders create poppy posters for the American Legion Auxiliary
The American Legion Auxiliary of Manchester has been collaborating with Klager Elementary School’s fourth graders on the Poppy Poster Contest for 20 years. This collaboration started when Mary Smith, who was the representative for the Legion at the time, approached the new art teacher, Carrie Resh. Resh stated, “This has become a yearly tradition and a […]
May 2018 Student of the Month, Derek Brickley
The May 2018 Manchester Community Foundation Student of the Month for Manchester High School is Derek Brickley. Derek is the son of Brian and Lisa Brickley. He is the secretary of the Manchester High School National Honor Society and a member of Student Council and Spanish Club. He has played football for Manchester High School for […]
Sharon United Methodist Church Ice Cream Social
Sharon United Methodist Church will be hosting its 94th Ice Cream Social Wednesday June 27th. Serving starts at 5 pm to 7:30 pm at the Fellowship Hall. Looking through the church historical records, it was found that the first Ice Cream Social was hosted in August of 1924. They served hot dogs and ice cream and made […]
Manchester High School Alumni Hold 141st Annual Banquet
Submitted by Carol Westfall The Manchester High School (MHS) Alumni Banquet was held Saturday, June 16, 2018, in the MHS Commons and attended by almost 200 alumni and guests. At least 30 classes were represented, from as far back as the Class of 1943 to this year’s graduating Class of 2018. Ava Sharrow-Ducsay (Class of […]
Martinrea holding public blood drive
Martinrea is holding a blood drive tomorrow, Tuesday, June 19th from 10 am to 4 pm (with the last appointment at 3:45 pm) at their facility at 706 Parr Street in Manchester. They need at least 20 participants and are opening it up to the public to participate.
Instagramming teens bitten by raccoon in front of school
Last Friday was a half day and the last day of the school year, dismissing just before noon. In the midst of the raucous end of the school year dismissal at Klager Elementary, an unusual incident occurred. Jennifer Mayes, principal of Klager Elementary School, explained a group of Middle School and High School students were […]
A look back as Pyramid Office Supply prepares to close its doors
Pyramid Office Supply & Emporium has been a fixture on Main Street for 31 years. Owner Maan Baki has decided it is time to retire. As a “for sale” sign now hangs in the front window of the store, his wife, Sybil Kolon, shared the following with us: Pyramid is one of many store-fronts that line […]
Artificial turf to replace natural grass on football field
Manchester community Schools’ Board of Education voted in January to take out a $3.1 million government loan at 1.25% with 15-year financing to upgrade the district’s energy efficiency. One of the upgrades is to convert the football field to artificial turf. This process began a couple of weeks ago with the stripping of sod. Because […]