McCollum Road Bridge closing for repair
A bridge on McCollum Road over the Saline River between Burmeister and Braun Roads in Bridgewater Township will be closed starting today through the beginning of July for repair. A detour is posted.
Announcement: Wedding of Mr. R. J. Layher and Miss Rachel Provost
The Chapel at Duke University was the scene of the wedding of Mr. R. J. Layher and Miss Rachel Provost on Saturday, May 26, 2018. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Provost of Millstone Township, N.J. She was a 2007 graduate of the Peddie School in Hightstown, NJ and a 2011 […]
June 2018 Gardening Advice
by Jennifer Fairfield Last week, as the temperatures started to climb, many people came into the store to get tools, supplies, and plants, all saying “I’m so far behind!” – referring to their gardens, of course. To that, I say – me too! But it’s not our faults. Mother Nature has been really messing with […]
Senior Newsletter THE TRUMPETER – June 2018
The June 2018 edition of Manchester’s Newsletter for Seniors, THE TRUMPETER, is now available. Download it here: June 2018 Trumpeter
Memorial Day Parade 2018 (photos)
Manchester observed Memorial Day with it’s traditional parade beginning on Main Street Bridge, stopping in Wurster Park and ending in Oak Grove Cemetery. Despite the sweltering heat, the community turned out out to honor soldiers who died in war.
6th grade band performs special musical composition
Tuesday evening, audience members at the Klager Elementary 5th and 6th grade spring band concert were treated to a spectacular performance by the 6th grade band of a very special arrangement titled Volcano! which had been composed for a Manchester Middle School band almost 20 years earlier. And when it came time to perform, band director […]
MECC to continue to offer free preschool through GSRP in new Klager location
The Washtenaw County Office of Community and Economic Development (OCED) recently released the the Washtenaw Opportunity Index. This index uses five key data sources to map equity and opportunity in Washtenaw County: health, education, job access, economic vitality, and neighborhood safety and stability. One of the many statistics it provided is the percentages of 3 & 4 year olds […]
Grassland Nesting Birds Hike at Watkins Lake
Grasslands are no longer a common habitat in our area and many birds depend on it. Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve is prime habitat for grassland birds. On June 23 from 9 to 11 am, a Legacy Land Conservancy expert will help you identify the grassland birds of Watkins Lake during their nesting season. Grassland […]
Turkeys wander the village! (photos)
Five friendly turkeys wandered the south-west side of Manchester Village last weekend. Spotted and photographed wandering down Duncan Street, strolling through backyards and hanging out in Kirk Park.
Library preparing for summer reading program
The Manchester District Library is getting ready to kick off its 2018 summer reading program. Sign up for the program begins on Friday, June 15th, the last day of school, and will feature a presentation by Zeemo the yo-yo man. All students are invited to attend the sign-up and participate in the program; they do not […]