Psarouthakis applauds high voter turnout for broadband vote
Sharon Township supervisor Peter Psarouthakis couldn’t be happier with Sharon Township voters last Tuesday. Township residents voted no to a broadband measure that would have borrowed up to $4,900,000 to be paid back over 20 years by 597 “No” to 319 “Yes.” Sharon Township’s 60.62% voter turnout was the highest in Washtenaw County for this election. He explained how […]
SASHA Farm Animal Sanctuary to hold fundraiser and Spring Social Open House
SASHA Farm Animal Sanctuary located at 17901 Mahrle Rd., will host its annual, family-friendly Fundraiser & Spring Social Open House on Sunday, May 20th from noon to 4 pm. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $5 for children under 10, and are available on their website or at the door. Visitors will be able to […]
Update on future of Alumni Field & Ackerson Building at Roundtable
The Community Resource Center is hosting the next Manchester Area Non-Profit Round Table on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 7 pm in the Village Room located at 912 City Road (lower level). In addition to groups updating each other on planned activities and how they can support each other, as well as a conversation about a Manchester non-profits presence […]
Klager’s First Lego League Robotics team wins Core Values Award at competition
Saturday, May 12th, seven Klager Elementary students competed in the First Lego League Robotics Competition in Brighton. During this, their rookie season, Lila Harvey, Olivia Scheil, Avery Popejoy, Oliver Bushaw, Mason Meyer, Nolan Shepard and Joshua Gregory, coached by Nicholas Diggs and Sara Scheil, had been working over the past few months on programming a robot […]
Medicinal plant walk in Sharon Hills Preserve
Are you interested in medicinal properties of plants growing right here in the Manchester area? Stroll with Amanda Klain, a native plant advocate and plant connoisseur, on Saturday, June 16th from 1 to 3 pm through Legacy Land Conservancy’s Sharon Hills Preserve to discover plants used as medicine, both historically and today. Learn to properly […]
Poppy Days 2018
Are you looking for a way to donate to our local veterans? On Friday May 18th and Saturday May 19th, Manchester will observe Poppy Days and members of the Manchester American Legion Auxiliary and the American Legion will distribute bright red poppies for Memorial Day in exchange for a donation in various locations around the […]
Memorial Day Parade 2018
The Memorial Day this year is Monday, May 28th. Manchester’s Memorial Day parade will begin at 11am this year. As always, the parade is a solemn event that will begin with a ceremony on the Main Street Bridge, proceed west through town stopping at the memorial in Wurster Park for a second ceremony, and ending with a […]
Public Notice: Pubic hearing for Village of Manchester residents
ATTENTION VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER RESIDENTS NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing has been scheduled for June 4th, 2018 at the regular Council Meeting at 7:00 PM at the Manchester Village Hall in Council Chambers, 912 City Road, Manchester, Michigan for the purpose of discussing adoption of the 2018/2019 Budget. A copy of the budget is […]
Sharon Township votes down broadband proposal
Today Sharon Township voted on and decisively rejected a Broadband Bond Proposal that would have borrowed up to $4,900,000 to be paid back over 20 years and would have run fiber optic cable to every house in the township allowing every resident access to broadband internet. The thoroughly debated measure failed 597 No (65.17%) to […]