Sara Swanson

MCSF celebrity server night at Frank’s Place & Dairy Queen

Manchester’s teachers and administrators are getting ready for the annual Celebrity Server Night, a Manchester tradition for more than 15 years. On Tuesday, May 1st from 4 to 8 pm, Manchester Community Schools teachers and staff will put on aprons and work alongside regular staff at the Dairy Queen and Frank’s Place. All tips and gratuities collected […]

 Sara Swanson

Library hosts local author of Caregiver Coffeebreak

submitted by Tamara Denby, Manchester District Library  Are you a caregiver to a sick or disabled parent, spouse, or child? On Saturday, May 5th from 11 am to 1 pm, the Manchester District Library will be hosting a special guest, Breeda Miller, on the main floor of the Library, 912 City Rd. Miller is a public […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Library hosts free gardening presentation

submitted by Tamara Denby, Manchester District Library It’s that time of the year … time to get the garden planted. Does this thought make you break out in a cold sweat? I’ll admit, it does for me. But I have great news. On Saturday, May 12 at 10:30 am, resident gardening guru, Community Garden Committee […]

 Sara Swanson

Happy Hearts Feline Rescue joins CROW & PLPOA for fundraiser

Happy Hearts Feline Rescue, Citizens Respecting Our Waters (CROW), and Pleasant Lake Property Owners Association (PLPOA) have joined forces to raise money for their causes. This Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 3rd, 4th & 5th, the organizations will be holding a Rummage & Perennial Plant Sale for the benefit of their organizations. The sale will be held at the […]

 Sara Swanson

WCSO: Red means stop!

submitted by the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office is committed to “Creating Public Safety.” The community can assist us in that endeavor by stopping for school buses who have their red (Stop) lights activated while picking up and dropping off children within our communities. The Sheriff’s Office has received an increase in […]

 Sara Swanson

Obituary: Glenn Lehr

His Legacy… Glenn Carlton Lehr, Age 83, passed away April 5, 2018. He was born on April 16, 1934, in Grand Rapids, Michigan to Glenn and Nella (Van Ian Waarden) Lehr. Glenn married the love of his life, Maria Rhodes, on January 25, 1959 at his father’s home in Pleasant Lake, Michigan. Glenn served honorably […]

 Sara Swanson

Madelyn Hamilton honored by FSU College of Engineering Technology

Madelyn Hamilton, a 2015 graduate of Manchester High School has been named Ferris State University College of Engineering Technology’s Outstanding Student for the Automotive Management Program for 2017-2018. She has also received a General Motors WRN $5,000 scholarship for the third year. She stated, “I am one step closer to graduating and starting my internship with […]

 Sara Swanson

Cub Scouts Mom-and-Me Camp Out cold but fun! (photos)

Saturday April 28th – 29th, Manchester’s Cub Scouts Pack 421 held a Mom-and-Me Camp Out at Indian Creek Campground in Tecumseh. Making up for the chilly night-time temperatures were fun activities including miniature golf, zip-lining and crafts! Photos courtesy of Rebecca Harvey.

 Sara Swanson

Letter to the Editor: Wireless alternative

April 24, 2018 Everybody desires faster internet. All the experts say “the future of Broadband is Wireless”. Wireless broadband is increasing its speed every month. Air Advantage which comes off of Manchester’s water tower now  has submitted to us a proposal (See Air Advantage at website this wireless system could be up and running […]

 Sara Swanson

Guest Editorial: Sharon Township responds to “broadband vote no” rhetoric

The Manchester Mirror takes no position on the issue being discussed. Editorials are by local leaders or experts with specific knowledge of a topic and may contain opinions. Views expressed in any editorial are always exclusively those of the author. by Peter Psarouthakis, Sharon Township Supervisor  The grass roots initiative of bringing fiber to the home […]