Public opportunity to meet Superintendent applicants before decision
Tomorrow, Tuesday April 24, Manchester Community Schools’ three remaining applicants for the Superintendent position will be taken on tours of the buildings by school board members, providing opportunities for students and staff to meet and greet the applicants. Community members will have the opportunity to meet applicants during tour stops at Over the Edge, located […]
Sharon Township to vote on Broadband proposal May 8th
On May 8th, Sharon Township will be holding a vote on a Broadband Bond proposal. Sharon Township residents vote at Sharon Town Hall, located at 18010 Pleasant Lake Rd. Polls will be open 7 am to 8 pm. The ballot will ask, “Shall the Township of Sharon, County of Washtenaw, Michigan, borrow the principal sum […]
Betty Cummings to portray Lizzy Borden at high tea in Adrian
The Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution will host a Famous Ladies Tea on Sunday, April 29, at 2 pm at the Governor Croswell Tea Room, 125 East Maumee Street, in Adrian. Enjoy high tea and then hear the personal stories of five American women of history as portrayed by […]
SUMC Scrap metal drive
Do you have old appliances or other metal you want to get rid of? Help Sharon United Methodist Church’s outreach efforts to Haiti and elsewhere in the world by donating to their scrap metal drive on Saturday, May 5th and Saturday, May 12th from 8 am until noon. You can drop off at Sharon United […]
Natalie Horning receives scholarship
Natalie Horning of Manchester was chosen as the 2017-18 recipient of the Donald and Valera Murray Endowed Scholarship. The $4,000 scholarship is named in honor of Donald Murray, a former Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) dairy specialist, and his wife, Valera. Horning, daughter of Jeff and Lynda Horning, is a senior at Michigan State studying […]
Obituary: Helen Francis Rigg
Age 99, passed away Sunday, April 15, 2018 in her home. She was born April 23, 1918 in Mosquito Twp., IL, the daughter of Walter B. & Freda F. (Elder) Butterfield. Helen moved to Michigan 59 years ago from Niantic, IL. She worked for Double A Products. Helen was a member of the Manchester United […]
St. Joes to provide free mental health screenings in Manchester on May 15th
One in five adults experience mental illness each year. Just like blood pressure screenings can help you better understand your physical health, mental health screenings can help you better understand your mental health. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and on May 15th, St. Joseph Mercy – Chelsea will be offering free mental health screenings […]
County holding Mental Health Millage Community Conversation in Chelsea
Last November, Washtenaw County voters passed a mental health/public safety millage, a millage which was divisive in our corner of the county as 24% of the total millage funds is being turned over to municipalities with their own police forces (of which there are none in our area) and 38% is going to the Washtenaw […]
Clinton Road to close for culvert replacement
Washtenaw County Road Commission announced they will be closing Clinton Road between Hoelzer Road and Fisk Road in Bridgewater Township this Monday, April 23 for a culvert replacement. A detour will be posted. The road commission anticipates they can reopen the road by the following Monday. Questions? Contact Adam Lake at (734) 327-6697.
Sheriff’s Office warns to lock your vehicles
The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office is again experiencing an increase of Larcenies From Motor Vehicle in multiple areas within Washtenaw County. In order to prevent these thefts and preserve your identity, please lock your vehicles. A majority of these thefts occur when vehicles are left unlocked. Stowing away valuables out of sight and securing vehicle […]