Sara Swanson

Presentation on Victorian British women travelers

Retired professor and life-long Manchester resident Joan Gaughan will be presenting the fifth and last of a five part series about Victorian British women from 10:30 to 11:30 am next Saturday, March 17th at the Manchester District Library. It is free and open to everyone to attend, whether or not you’ve attended previously. Joan’s presentation will feature two […]

 Sara Swanson

School threats carry possibility of criminal charges

submitted by the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office Over the last three weeks, the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office has responded to nine threats towards local school districts. These incidents range from bomb threats written on a bathroom door to social media posts. This is a considerable increase in the number of school-related threats and requires a […]

 Sara Swanson

Spring conservation plant sale ends soon

submitted by Washtenaw County Conservation District Trees and shrubs for such conservation uses as: windbreaks, screens, wildlife habitat, soil erosion and reforestation; as well as prairie grass, wildflower and daylily plants for naturalizing yards and landscapes can still be ordered through the Washtenaw County Conservation District Spring Conservation Plants Sale. Orders for tree and shrub […]

 Sara Swanson

Photo: It takes a lot of workers to put on the Fish Fry

 Sara Swanson

Public Notice: Community Resource Center Annual Meeting

 Sara Swanson

Public Notice: Bridgewater Board of Trustees Meeting Synopsis 1-March-18

BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SYNOPSIS 1-Mar-18 The regular monthly meeting of the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Fromhart at 7:00 p.m. Five Board members were present (quorum) with 3 public in attendance. Board heard citizen participation. Board approved the 1-Feb-18 meeting minutes as presented. Board approved the […]

 Sara Swanson

State Sen. Joe Hune to speak at PLPOA Annual Meeting

The public is invited to the Pleasant Lake Property Owners Association’s (PLPOA) Annual Meeting on April 8 from 1:30 to 3 pm at Freedom Township Hall, which is located at 11508 E. Pleasant Lake Rd. The meeting will feature guest speaker 22nd District State Senator Joe Hune. Republican State Sen. Joe Hune was first elected to serve […]

 Sara Swanson

Freedom Childcare Center’s 6th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday March 24th at 10 am, the Freedom Childcare Center will host its sixth Annual Easter Egg Hunt on the Child Care Center’s grounds located at 8753 Pleasant Lake Road. Activities are geared toward children 10 & under, but everyone is invited to attend the free event. Activities include crafts, snacks, and prizes for all. For […]

 Sara Swanson

5th Annual Free Prom Dress Boutique coming up!

The Manchester Ladies Society will be holding its fifth annual “Free Prom Dress Boutique” on March 16th from 2:45 to 5 pm in the Manchester High School Library. (The Boutique will be open the next day, Saturday March 17th by appointment for girls unable to attend on Friday.) Once again, girls will be able to come browse, try-on, […]

 Sara Swanson

Seed Library stocked with flower seeds to start for Mothers Day

The Manchester Seed Library, located next to the front desk of the Manchester District Library, 912 City Road, has just been mini-stocked up with flower and herb seeds as a precursor to a large restocking of vegetable seeds coming soon. These seeds were donated by the Garden Mill in Chelsea and are perfect to start now […]