“Did You Know?”…Manchester High School Alumni Update: Howard Parr, Class of 1937
submitted by Susan Fielder, Manchester High School Alumni Association I had an opportunity to interview Manchester Alumni, Howard Parr. Howard graduated in 1937, having attended classes in the post-Civil War era building located on the corner of Wolverine and City Streets. Howard commented that students from kindergarten through High School attended classes in the three-story building. […]
Girl Scouts celebrate World Thinking Day
In 1926, at the Fourth Girl Guide/Girl Scout International Conference, delegates chose the 22nd of February, as the day that Girl Guides and Girl Scouts would think about all of the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world, giving their “sisters” thanks and appreciation. World Thinking Day was celebrated last Tuesday by Manchester Girl Scouts with an […]
“The Way of the Cross” in Manchester
submitted by St. Mary, Manchester Fr. Bosco and the people of St. Mary, Manchester, warmly invite all who are interested to join them at St. Mary’s parish church, on the corner of Main Street and Macomb, at 7:30 pm this coming Friday, March 2 to journey in prayer through Jerusalem’s fourteen Stations of the Cross. […]
Historical Society will host “Show and Tell” Night
by Ray Berg Do you own an interesting, strange and/or historic artifact that you want to share with others? Do you want to know the purpose or function of something that’s been in your house forever, but you have no clue what it’s for? Or you just want to show that neat thing you bought […]
Ballet Chelsea presents Coppélia
Ballet Chelsea presents Coppélia, a comic ballet that explores the romantic misadventures between a couple, a toymaker and his life-size doll. Manchester dancers are featured in key roles in this production! Please join them for a family-friendly performance filled with music, magic, and dance. The performances are on March 23rd at 7 pm and March 24th […]
Manchester District Library hosts Kids’ Reading Challenge
submitted by Tamara Denby, Manchester District Library March is National Reading Month. Encourage your child or teen to celebrate with the Manchester District Library by enrolling them in the library’s March Reading Challenge, starting March 1 and running all month. All children who meet their (totally-achievable) reading goals will be entered in a drawing for […]
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea and 5 Healthy Towns to host 2nd Annual Community Supported Agriculture Fair
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea and 5 Healthy Towns will host the second Annual Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Fair on March 10, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Washington Street Education Center, located at 500 Washington Street (building 100) in Chelsea. Attendees will have an opportunity to meet and speak with local farmers, as well […]
Obituary: Wanda M. Fish
Wanda M. Fish, age 75, of Clinton, Michigan passed away on Monday December 25, 2017, at Saline Evangelical Home in hospice care following several years of intensifying illness. Cremation has taken place. Internment with family present will be in Northern California at a later date. A “Remembrance Gathering” of friends and family to share the […]
Senior Newsletter THE TRUMPETER – March 2018
The March 2018 edition of Manchester’s Newsletter for Seniors, THE TRUMPETER, is now available. Download it here: March 2018 Trumpeter