Public Notice: Village of Manchester Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing
VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING March 19, 2018, 7:00 PM Notice is hereby given that the Manchester Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, March 19, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Manchester Village Hall, 912 City Road, Manchester, MI. The purpose of the hearing […]
Community Valentines Day party
Last Wednesday, Valentines Day, Annabelle Celkis and her family threw a party for all of Manchester downtown in Exhale Yoga’s Studio on Main Street. Everyone was invited and activities included dancing, limbo, story time, pizza, cookies, valentine making and collecting donations for the Community Resource Center. Stephanie Celkis, Annabelle’s mother thanked Anna Deevers, owner of Exhale […]
First St. Mary’s Fish Fry a success
After a 10-year hiatus, St. Mary’s Catholic Church held their first Lenten fish fry of the season last Friday. Betty Cummings stated, “St. Mary’s first fish fry was a resounding success. New this year was a very successful drive thru take out line. Of the 520 dinners sold, 214 of them were sold to people who […]
Bethel Church Spaghetti Dinner
Bethel Church is holding their 6th Annual Spaghetti Supper and Choice Raffle, sponsored by the Bethel Mission Team on Saturday, February 24, 2018 from 5 to 6:30 pm. Tickets are $9 for adults, $7 for Children 5-12, and $30 for a household of 4 or more. Entertainment following dinner will feature Bethel’s (And Friends) Got Talent. Winners of the […]
February 2018 Student of the Month Lauren Schriber
The February 2018 Manchester Community Foundation Student of the Month for Manchester High School is Lauren Schriber. Lauren is the daughter of Tim and Kathy Schriber. Lauren is the co-president of the Manchester High School National Honor Society and a member of MHS Student Council and Bow-Tie Society. Lauren was the Varsity Team Sideline Cheerleading […]
Wonder Woman self defense class gets a sponsor!
This weekend the Manchester Ladies Society will be partnering with the Manchester District Library to present a free showing of Wonder Woman this Saturday, Feb. 24th at 3 pm in the Village Room, 912 City Road. Costumes are encouraged! Bring a snack to share potluck-style. No RSVP is needed! Afterwards, the Ladies Society is partnering with Exhale […]
3rd Coffee hour with the Superintendent
Interim Superintendent Brad Hamilton will be holding the third of three coffee hours on Wednesday, February 21st at 9 am in the board room of the Ackerson building, 410 City Road. Coffee and snacks will be provided. The coffee hours are an opportunity for students’ families and community members to provide input on and ask questions […]
Brauer Preserve lovely location for winter walk
The Manchester area is home to 7 Washtenaw County nature preserves. Located in the north-east corner of Freedom Township on Parker Road, the 226-acre Brauer Preserve is is a lovely location for a winter walk. The county purchased the 226-acres encompassed by the preserve in 2003. It includes forest, swamp, marsh, and a small lake. Notably, during […]
Obituary: Jane Cornelia Blackman Korth
Jane Cornelia Blackman Korth passed away on Sunday, February 11, 2018 in Chelsea, Michigan at the age of 88. She will be greatly missed by her family and friends. Jane was born on November 16, 1929 in Bridgeton, New Jersey, the daughter of Paul and May (Smith) Blackman. She grew up and attended high school […]