Contra dance to return to Manchester
In 2015 Manchester residents were introduced to contra dance, and over the next year had the opportunity to attend monthly dances put on by a group called Dance! Manchester to live music in Emanuel Church’s gym. The dances halted for good in 2016. But in good news for contra dance lovers, Carol Palms of the […]
Lasinski announces re-election run for 52nd House District
State Rep. Donna Lasinski announced last week that she will be seeking re-election to the Michigan House of Representatives. Rep. Lasinski was joined by over 100 supporters at her campaign kickoff at the Null Taphouse, with featured guest Congresswoman Debbie Dingell. She spoke to the excited crowd about why she wants to continue serving them in […]
February 2018 gardening advice
by Jennifer Fairfield Would you believe that just a few days ago, we were technically half-way between winter and spring? I say technically, because that’s only according to the calendar. We do live in Michigan, and Michigan tends to decide when spring is going to show up with little regard to the calendar. So don’t count […]
Next Farm to Table planning meeting
Beginning in 2016, 5HealthyTowns Foundation has held a “Fabulous Farm-to-Table Feast” to benefit each of the five communities it serves, by raising money for the communities’ farmers markets. It has been held so far in Chelsea and Grass Lake and this year it will be held in Manchester. Everyone is invited to the next Farm to Table […]
Public Notice: Western Washtenaw Construction Authority is seeking applicants
Public Notice Western Washtenaw Construction Authority is seeking applicants for Building Inspector, Plumbing Inspector and Mechanical Inspector. Please pick up application at WWCA, 912 City Road or call 734-428-7001 to have an application emailed. Deadline to submit application & resume is Feb. 28th, 1:00pm. WWCA hours of opperation M,W.F 8:00am – 1:00pm. Douglas Parr Building […]
Letter to the Editor: Community is like a quilt
February 1, 2018 I’ve heard people say a good community is like a good quilt. Every piece is critical to building a functional, durable, beautiful whole. Quilting is thought to be a quaint, rather cozy endeavor. Yet good quilts are some of the strongest, most functional blankets known. The quilters who make them borrow from […]
Annabelle throwing Valentine party for all of Manchester!
Many Manchester residents are familiar with Annabelle Valentine! From a young age Annabelle Celkis fashioned herself as Valentines Day personified based on storybook character Ruby Valentine created by Laurie B. Friedman. Every February 14th she could be found pulling her red wagon through the village handing out valentines, and homemade treats. This year Annabelle is […]
Wonder Woman movie showing & costume event!
Are you a fan of Wonder Woman? Come celebrate your inner Wonder Woman with a special showing of the 2017 Wonder Woman movie staring Gal Gadot on Saturday, Feb. 24th at 3 pm in the Village Room on the lower level of the library. This free event is co-sponsored by the Manchester Ladies Society and […]
Cub Scout Pack 421 Rain Gutter Regatta
Cub Scout Pack 421 held a rain gutter regatta Sunday night at the Sharon United Methodist Church. First place went to Jackson King, a Lion Scout. Second place went to Max Harvey, a Bear Scout. Third Place went to Lucas Brothers, a Bear Scout.
Wellness Coalition looking for ideas to make Manchester healthier
The Manchester Wellness Coalition and 5 Healthy Towns is looking for ideas for new interventions to improve wellness in Manchester. Interventions need to help people move more, eat better, connect with others and/or avoid unhealthy substances. Interventions can be a partnership between the Manchester Wellness Coalition and a civic or non-profit organization or completely independent of existing programs. Do […]