Sara Swanson

Manchester to host 2018 5HT Farm-to-Table Fabulous Feast

Beginning in 2016 with a street dinner in Chelsea, the 5HealthyTowns Foundation has been holding a Farm-to-Table Fabulous Feast in each of the five communities it serves in order to raise money for the communities’ farmers markets. Last year, it was held in Grass Lake, and this year it will be held in Manchester! Organizers […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Fire Department trains to respond during active shooter situation

In 1999, twelve students and one teacher died at during the Columbine High School shooting. At that time, EMS and fire fighters would stand by away from the scene until the suspect was incapacitated and the police department cleared each room of the building. This could, and in the case of Columbine did, take several […]

 Sara Swanson

Ladies Society’s 5th Annual Chocolate Potluck

Are you a fan of chocolate? Are you a woman? This event is for you! The Manchester Ladies Society is preparing to hold their 5th Annual All-Chocolate potluck on January 20th, 2018 at 2 pm at the United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall located at 501 Ann Arbor St on the lower level (parking in rear). All […]

 Sara Swanson

Christmas tree pick-up

Reminder: If you live in the Village, pull your Christmas tree out to the curb this month. The DPW crew will collect and chip Christmas trees during the month of January.

 Sara Swanson

Biggest Tree in Manchester drawn by Jason Polan

Shortly before Christmas, New York artist Jason Polan stopped in Manchester while visiting relatives in Michigan. He took time to draw the biggest tree in Manchester, the winner of the Manchester Mirror’s 2017 Big Tree Search. He also sketched the third largest tree. Polan has worked with the New Yorker, The New York Times, The Museum […]

 Sara Swanson

From a live nativity to bell ringing to brunch, Churches invite community in to celebrate Christmas

If you don’t attend a church in Manchester, but are looking for an opportunity to participate in the religious celebration of Christmas, Manchester’s churches offer a variety of services open to everyone! Emanuel United Church of Christ, located at 324 West Main Street, will hold its 41st Annual Live Nativity and they invite the community to […]

 Sara Swanson

Still time to provide community input for school superintendent search

Were you unable to attend Manchester Community Schools superintendent search community input meeting last Monday evening? The Schools have set up an email account to receive your thoughts and priorities when it comes to hiring a new superintendent: This email address will only be active through Dec. 20th, at which time the search firm […]

 Sara Swanson

Klager’s Annual Senior Citizen Luncheon

Luther C. Klager Elementary school is preparing for their annual Senior Citizen luncheon which will be held on Wednesday, December 20th at 10:45am. This annual event welcomes all senior citizens in the Manchester area to have a tour of the school, enjoy some festive entertainment and eat lunch with students. This is a great opportunity […]

 Sara Swanson

“Life stories” social hour for seniors to continue in 2018

The Community Resource Center, located 410 City Road, began hosting social hours for seniors last August. These will continue into 2018 with five new social hours scheduled: Tuesday, January 9 from 2 to 3pm Tuesday, February 13 from 2 to 3pm Tuesday, March 13 from 2 to 3pm Tuesday, April 10 from 2 to 3pm and […]

 Sara Swanson

MS/HS Winter concert rescheduled for Tuesday

The Manchester Middle School/High School winter concert has been rescheduled from last Thursday, which was a snow day, to this Tuesday, December 19th at 7pm in the High School auditorium. The concert will feature the Middle School band, High School concert band, jazz band and choir. Alumni are welcome to join the bands on stage for Charlie Brown […]