Sara Swanson

St. Joes to offer classes to help those living with mental illness

In 2015, a massive survey of Manchester residents revealed that 40% of Manchester-area residents suffered from poor mental health, a greater percentage than either neighboring communities or Washtenaw County as a whole. One of the results of the survey was St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea hiring a behavioral health navigator, Kathy Walz, who comes to Manchester once […]

 Sara Swanson

Rep. Lasinski to co-host town hall on women’s issues

Our State Representative Donna Lasinski and Saline’s State Senator Rebekah Warren, with special guests Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, House Democratic Floor Leader Christine Greig and State Representative Stephanie Chang, are hosting a women’s issues town hall on Wednesday, August 16th 6-7:30 pm in Scio Township Hall Board Room, located at 827 N. Zeeb Rd., in Ann Arbor. Join them to voice […]

 Sara Swanson

Letter to the Editor: Manchester NOT Perfect the way it is

August 12, 2017 Someone must be kidding in our village government when they say we are perfect as is. Has no one seen the constantly empty storefronts on main street. has no one noticed that we are closing a school because of ever shrinking enrollment. Doesn’t any one at city hall see that we can’t […]

 Sara Swanson

Letter to the Editor: Manchester residents need to show more respect for the American Flag

Dear Editor, I am writing to inform the residents of this fine community about Flag etiquette. Two Fridays ago, we had a wonderful parade, and as cars, tractors, and even the color guard from the legion passed by not many showed respect to the flags of the United States. The proper thing to do to show respect not only […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester throws itself a 150th Birthday Party – a week of Sesquicentennial Fun – Part 1! (photos)


 Sara Swanson

Manchester throws itself a 150th Birthday Party – a week of Sesquicentennial Fun – Part 2! (photos)


 Sara Swanson

Manchester Sesquicentennial Beard and Moustache Competition

Saturday afternoon, 63 men and 3 women registered in 12 categories for the Manchester Sesquicentennial Beard and Moustache Competition put on by the Manchester Ladies Society. Some were veteran competitors who traveled from as far away as Quebec to compete, some were locals who were participating in honor of their fathers or grandfathers who had […]

 Sara Swanson

Village and Manchester Township to hold joint 5-year recreation plan open house

Do you want Manchester to have a dog park? Do you want a multi-use trail running from downtown to Watkins Lake? Do you have concerns, questions or ideas about existing parks or the new riverfront park? Do you have concerns about recreation funding? Come to Manchester Village Hall Council Chambers located on the lower level […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester architecture to be focus of ALI & WCC classes this fall

This fall, Adult Learning Institute (ALI) of Chelsea and Washtenaw Community College (WCC) both will be offering a class titled “Architecture and History of Saline and Manchester.” The class is being taught by Washtenaw Community College (WCC) instructor, Grace Shackman. Shackman has been interested in architecture since she was little. “My family moved around a lot […]

 Sara Swanson

County joins effort to bring broadband to rural Washtenaw

According to a study the FCC released earlier this summer, almost 30% of the rural population of Washtenaw does not have fixed broadband access (as compared to less than 5% of the population in urban Washtenaw that does not have access to fixed broadband). Because of this reality, Sharon Township has been working to install […]