Sara Swanson

Photos: Christmas in the Village 2017

From craft shows to carriage rides to concerts to open house and a beautiful nighttime parade, Christmas in the Village offered one festive holiday event after another beginning Friday evening and ending Saturday evening. Below are photos of just a fraction! Christmas in the Village lighted parade, Friday night: Saturday: Christmas Home Tour: (Old J.A. Goodyear […]

 Sara Swanson

Photo: Cub Scout Pack #421 decorating tree in Wurster Park

 Sara Swanson

Visit with Santa or send him a letter

Missed Santa at Christmas in the Village this weekend? Santa will be in his little house on Main Street on Saturday, December 9 from 11 am to 1 pm; Saturday, December 16th from 11 am to 1 pm; and Saturday, December 23rd from 11 am to 1 pm to hear Christmas wishes and pose for […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Middle School 2017-2018 first marking period Honor Roll

The Manchester Middle School has reissued its 2017 – 2018 first marking period honor roll: High Honors (All A’s) 8th Grade Bargardi, Anthony R Beck, Amy C Beerens, Seth D Blaine, Rachel Booth, Nathan R Burch, Elizabeth G Campbell, Collin G Cocco, Anna E Diuble, Abigail J Edwards, Maxwell D Enzer, Mya R Fountain, Hannah […]

 Sara Swanson

Church services for those feeling disconnected from holiday festivities

Christmas can be a difficult time of year. Because of this, the Manchester United Methodist Church located at is offering a special worship opportunity on Thursday, December 14th, at 7 pm, for anyone who feels disconnected with normal advent festivities – be it the loss of a loved one, struggle with a mental illness, or a weariness […]

 Sara Swanson

5HF to undergo year-long evaluation on their effectiveness

Michigan Health Endowment Fund (The Health Fund) has contracted with the Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI) to evaluate the Five Healthy Towns Project.  The year-long evaluation is scheduled to be completed by October, 2018. The 5 Healthy Towns Foundation is a tax-exempt private foundation governed by a volunteer board of directors. The foundation serves the […]

 Sara Swanson

Washtenaw Hepatitis A cases part of larger Southeast Michigan outbreak

from Washtenaw County Public Health Washtenaw County is one of multiple counties in southeast Michigan with an increased number of hepatitis A cases. No common sources of food, beverages, or drugs have been identified as a potential source of infection. Vaccination and good handwashing can help prevent the spread of illness. Vaccination is strongly recommended […]

 Sara Swanson

December gardening advice 2017

by Jennifer Fairfield Gardening season seems to keep going and going around here this year (I know – I said last month that it had pretty much come to an end, but who knew it would stay so warm for so long?!) – which is a good thing for me, since I only just got […]

 Sara Swanson

Public Notice: Manchester Township/Village of Manchester Recreation Master Plan public input

Read plan online HERE. MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP/VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER RECREATION MASTER PLAN PUBLIC INPUT The VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER and MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP are seeking public input regarding the Manchester Area 2018 – 2022 Recreation Master Plan. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources requires a minimum 30-day public review process as part of the master planning process. The […]

 Sara Swanson

2017 Christmas in the Village – parade, shopping, Santa, crafts shows, contests & more!!

Manchester Chamber of Commerce will be hosting Manchester’s Annual Christmas in the Village this coming weekend. Festivities begin on Thursday, November 30th and run through the evening of Saturday, Dec. 2nd. While we can look forward to the return of perennial favorites, like craft shows, the lightened parade, Lunch with Santa and the beloved recent […]