Mens Club Christmas tree sale begins
The Manchester Mens club annual Christmas Tree Sale in Chi-Bro Park began this weekend with the help of the boys and girls soccer teams and Manchester’s 5th-in-the-State equestrian team, and will run until all of the trees are gone. Trees will be for sale on Mondays – Fridays from 5pm to 8pm, Saturdays from 9am to […]
Senior Newsletter THE TRUMPETER – December 2017
The December 2017 edition of Manchester’s Newsletter for Seniors, THE TRUMPETER, is now available. Download it here: December 2017 Trumpeter
Weekend lockdown and threat on social media result in Monday school closures
Manchester Middle School/ High School, Klager Elementary and Manchester’s preschools will be closed today, Monday November 20, while a threat to the Middle School/High School building is investigated. On Saturday night, a lockdown occurred following a high school Drama Club production, because of a report of a person behaving suspiciously outside the building. The police were called and […]
Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, attends dedication of Gov. Charles Croswell’s portrait
submitted by Betty Cummings, Regent of Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter, DAR Members of the Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, attended a dedication ceremony celebrating the unveiling of the portrait of Charles Miller Croswell, 17th Governor of the State of Michigan, on Monday, November 13, at the Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing. The […]
Happy Hearts Feline Rescue granted permit to continue operating with conditions
Earlier this year, Jef & Jeanette Spencer, who operate Happy Hearts Feline Rescue located at 10905 E. Pleasant Lake Rd. in Freedom Township, were notified that they were not in compliance with the Township’s Zoning Ordinance and in order to continue operating, they required a Conditional Use Permit. On October 3, Freedom Township held a public […]
Manchester’s Farmers Market ponders switch back to Adrian Street
With the close of 2017 Manchester Farmers Market season, the Farmers Market Committee is looking back over the season and considering whether or not to stay in their current location for the next. This summer the Manchester Farmers Market was open for 25 Thursdays, and had a weekly average of just over 10 vendors […]
Obituary: Lyle Allen Widmayer
Widmayer, Lyle Allen; age 93, of Manchester, passed away on Sunday, November 12, 2017 in Tecumseh, after a short illness. He was born on May 11, 1924 in Manchester, Michigan to Wallace and Amanda (Haarer) Widmayer. He attended Manchester High School and later attended Hamilton Business College in Ann Arbor, MI. Lyle enlisted in the […]
Middle School Flying Dutchbots win 3, lose 2 matches
submitted by Manchester Flying Dutchbots Team The Manchester Flying Dutchbots Team #11193, competed last weekend. They placed overall 14th out of 35. During the competition, the Dutchbots held first place for the first half of the competition, winning three matches and losing two. The game consisted of two alliances, which would work together against the other […]
Girl Scouts celebrate with Friendsgiving (photos)
On Friday evening, five Manchester Girl Scout troops made up of the kindergarten Daisy troop, the first grade Daisy/second Grade Brownie troop, the third grade Brownie troop, the fourth grade junior troop, and 6th grade Cadette troop as well as their friends and families, came together at the Manchester United Methodist Church for their first ever Manchester Girl […]