Adult Learners Institute of Chelsea coming to Manchester!
submitted by Joan Gaughan, Adult Learners Institute Thanks to its director, Kathy Dimond, Manchester District Library has been added to the list of sites for Adult Learners Institute (ALI) classes. Now, not only Manchester residents, but people in Clinton and other surrounding areas will have much easier access to the popular, college-level classes taught by […]
Dementia-friendly showing of “Groundhog Day“ in Saline
by Sara Swanson We reported last month on Saline earning Dementia Friendly status and the nonprofit Dementia Friendly Saline. Kelsey Keyes, program coordinator of Dementia Friendly Saline, reached out and is inviting Manchester area residents to America’s first Dementia Friendly movie program on Saturday, August 24, at Emagine Theater in Saline. She explained, “This special […]
Special Saturday Storytime with a Cow at the library!
submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library On Saturday, August 17, the Manchester District Library will hold a very special Storytime … with a Cow! Gather in our “green pasture” for a special Saturday storytime with guest reader Stacey Neigebauer from Washtenaw County Farm Bureau Promotions and Education. Stacey’s son Dillon shows animals in fairs […]
American Girl doll stop-motion video workshop at MDL
submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library On Tuesday, August 13, the Manchester District Library will offer an American Doll Stop-Motion Video Workshop from 1 to 4pm in the Teen Spot. Bring your favorite doll (with any props you might like to use) or use a provided American Girl doll to develop a camping-themed storyline, […]
August 2024 Gardening Advice

submitted by Jennifer Fairfield, Garden Mill How has your garden been growing this year? If some of my conversations with friends and customers are anything to go by, it’s been a great gardening season for most people so far for most everyone. I don’t know about you, but my tomato plants are incredibly robust, my […]
Letter to the Editor: Shout-out to the Boy Scouts!
August 2, 2024 A BIG SHOUT-OUT TO THE BOY SCOUTS! We don’t realize how active our Scouts are. Behind the scenes this summer at the Chicken Broil, ice cream socials, and music festivals are the Boy Scouts helping out. These events would be hard to run without the Boy Scouts. A big thanks to the […]
Public notice: Manchester Community Schools
Notice to Bidders Manchester Community Schools Welding Lab Electrical Installation In our continuous commitment to enhancing class offerings, we are adding welders to our welding lab and need to increase our electrical capabilities. We are seeking proposals from vendors who have a deep understanding of and experience with electrical solutions, and a proven track record […]
Public notice: Manchester Township
Manchester Township NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Manchester Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing at the Manchester Township Hall Board Room, located at 275 South Macomb Street, Manchester, MI 48158, on August 27, 2024, at 6:30pm. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment […]
What to know about Michigan’s pending minimum wage changes
by Paula Gardner, Jordyn Hermani, & Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Michigan) LANSING — Massive changes to the state’s minimum wage and paid-time-off laws will likely take effect in early 2025 following a ruling issued Wednesday by the Michigan Supreme Court. The ruling means more money in the hands of the lowest-wage workers, but business owners warn it could lead to business […]
Court sides with Michigan regulators in poop dispute with big farms
by Kelly House (Bridge Michigan) The Michigan Supreme Court this week sided with regulators in a lawsuit over manure pollution that could have had broad implications on the state’s ability to take measures to protect the environment. In a 5-2 decision on Wednesday, the court ruled that the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and […]