Sara Swanson

Ideas to Make Manchester Healthier?

Do you have an idea to help make Manchester healthier? Bring them to the Wellness Coalition meeting this Tuesday, January 27, 12:00 at noon in the Village Room (lower level of the library). The Coalition is looking for ideas for new interventions to improve wellness in Manchester. Interventions need to help people move more, eat better, connect with […]

 Sara Swanson

Recipe: Braised Rabbit

  You may have noticed something new in the frozen meat cooler along the back wall of the Manchester Market, local farm raised rabbits! They are from the Water Crest Rabbitry in Eaton Rapids, north-west of Jackson and are about $22 each. After I bought one, I read many rabbit recipes trying to find one that […]

 Sara Swanson

Western Washtenaw Democrats to Host Scott Menzel at Annual Meeting

Western Washtenaw Democrats will be holding their annual meeting this Wednesday, January 28, 2015 6:00 p.m. at The Chelsea Depot; 125 Jackson Street in Chelsea. The meeting is open to the public. In addition to holding elections for executive board members, they will be hosting Scott Menzel, Superintendent of the Washtenaw Intermediate School District (WISD). Mr Menzel […]

 Sara Swanson

Snow and Ice at Sharon Mills Park and the River Raisin

Snow and ice at Sharon Mills Park and along the River Raisin Sunday afternoon.

 Sara Swanson

School Board Considers Move to a Balanced Calendar

The Manchester School Board will begin investigating a possible move to a balanced calendar for the 2016- 2017 school year at their meeting tonight at 6pm. This regularly scheduled school board meeting is open to the public, but community forums on the move to a balanced calendar will also be held in February and March. […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester-Area Residents – Please Help the HIP!

  The Manchester Wellness Coalition is asking all Manchester-area residents to help with an important aspect of our mission to improve the health and wellness of us all. Join us in participating in the 2015 Health Improvement Plan (HIP) telephone survey, to be conducted beginning February 1, 2015! The volunteers of the Wellness Coalition work […]

 Sara Swanson

Selena Brown Awarded Student of the Month

At their January meeting, the Civic Club awarded Student of the Month to Selena Brown. She is currently a senior at Manchester High School and the daughter of Sam and Sandra Brown of Manchester. Brown is the vice-president of her class, vice-president of the Mentor Program and president of the Bowtie Society at MHS. In addition, she is a member […]

 Sara Swanson

Ladies Society Looks for Prom Dress Donations

Do you have a bridesmaid dress in the back of your closet that you are never going to wear again but you just can’t quite bring yourself to sell it at a garage sale? Are your daughters out of college but their prom dresses are still in your basement? Finally there is a good cause […]

 Sara Swanson

Farmers Market to Move to Chi Bro Park for 2015

The Manchester Farmers Market Committee announced last week that this summer the farmers market will set up in Chi Bro Park instead of on Adrian Street as usual. Because Main Street’s Bridge will be out while a new bridge is built, Adrian Street between Duncan and Main St. will make up part of the detour […]

 Sara Swanson

Time to Sign Up for Trivia Night!