Sheriff’s Office Summary for Village, August 15 – 21st, 2014
MANCHESTER VILLAGE There were 34 Calls for Service in Manchester Village: Deputies responded to Burglary Alarms in the 300Blk of River Bend and the 700Blk of E. Main St. In both instances the properties were secure and there was no evidence of attempted entry. Deputies responded to the 100Blk of Hibbard St. for a Threats […]
Sheriff’s Department Warns Labor Day Drunk Driving Crackdown Underway
The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office, U of M Department of Public Safety and Pittsfield Department of Public Safety have stepped up enforcement and be on the lookout for impaired drivers in Washtenaw County. This began August 15 and will occur through September 1. Additionally, these agencies are employing the Data Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety […]
Conservation District Fall Tree Sale
UPDATE: Aug. 27, 2014 – The plant sale has begun. Visit their website to order. The Washtenaw County Conservation District announces they will soon be accepting orders for conifer trees, ferns, fruit trees, day lilies,grasses, hardwoods, wildflowers, tree planting aids, animal repellents and more through September 26. Order forms and sale information will be available toward the […]
Calendar for August 25th – 31st, 2014
The Mirror has pulled information from multiple websites and have combined them into a community calendar here. Sports schedules can be found here. If you have events that you would like added to this calendar, please e-mail us at and we’d be more than happy to do so. Each Monday we will highlight activities that are […]
Last Week of Summer!
Let this picture serve as your one week reminder: School will be here soon.
Safety Town Wraps up with Visit from HVA
As part of their preparation for kindergarten, 33 Manchester children participated in the annual Safety Town camp last week. Over the course of the 5 days they had many visitors including a police officer, fire fighter, Louie the lightning bug, Klager principal Mrs. Mayes, a school bus driver and on the last day, an EMT.
Manchester’s Uphaus Farms to Host Next “Breakfast On The Farm”
Manchester’s own Uphaus Farms will host the third and last Breakfast on the Farm of the year on Saturday, September 6, 2014 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., with breakfast served from 9 a.m. to noon. The event put on by Michigan State University Extension, will include a self-guided tour of the farm, numerous educational exhibits for […]
Anonymous Benefactor Sends Lilly Diuble and Family to San Francisco
Editor’s Note: NBC published an article on Aug. 12, 2014 about Manchester’s Lilly Diuble and family’s trip to San Francisco. Here is an excerpt: “I want to see the Golden Gate Bridge, the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty,” Lilly told “Nightly News” in June. When her story appeared on the broadcast, viewers […]
Manchester’s 2014 Community Parenting Fair: “Creating Caring and Connected Kids”
Manchester United Methodist Church will be hosting a Parenting Fair for the entire Manchester Community on Saturday, September 6, 2014 from 9 a.m.—12:30 p.m. (Registration with continental breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m.) This free event is aimed at all parents and grandparents. Events include a keynote address, various workshops and a resource fair which will […]
Black Sheep Festival—Farm Fun Came to the Village Thursday
Even the sheep had a baaaaaahlast at the Black Sheep Festival on Thursday. From 4pm to 7pm in conjunction with the farmers market, Manchester celebrated it’s sheep farming past and it’s agricultural present. Ruth VanBogelen, one of the event organizers, explained the importance of Manchester’s sheep farming heritage, “for many years (even as late as the 1970’s), Washenaw […]