Manchester & Bridgewater residents invited to Clinton Township Library March activities
Did you know that Manchester and Bridgewater Township residents can get a library card for free to check out materials from the Clinton Township Library in addition to their Manchester District Library card? Additionally, Manchester and Bridgewater residents are welcome to attend all library events at the Clinton Township Library. The Clinton Township Library is […]
FIRST Robotics Team to sponsor Run Manchester for third year
Although there have been leadership changes in the Manchester FIRST Robotics Team this year, the team and its advisers are moving forward with plans for a third annual sponsorship of the traditional Run Manchester! “Run Manchester has been a 5K/10K for the past to years, including a free Kids Fun Run,” according to a presentation […]
Famed Fish Fry to fire up this Friday
Submitted by Betty Cummings Come and enjoy a delicious fish dinner each Friday in Lent (with the exception of Good Friday) from February 28 through April 3 from 4:30 to 7:00 pm at St. Mary Parish Center, 108 Madison Street (behind the Marathon gas station on Main Street in downtown Manchester). The menu includes fried […]
Ash Wednesday is this week
submitted by St. Mary Church, Manchester This week, Wednesday, Feb. 26 is known as Ash Wednesday because of the long tradition of beginning Lent by having ashes imposed on the forehead in the sign of the cross. It is not at all uncommon to see your friends and neighbors that day with dark smudges of […]
Spring Bible study set at Victory Baptist Church
Submitted by Pastor Gary Page Victory Baptist Church announces its Spring Bible Study, a thirteen-week study and examination of the gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew, beginning Sunday, March 8. The study will examine and try to answer such questions as: Who exactly is this man who claims that all authority has been given […]
Update: Manchester K-8th talent show postponed
2-27-20 Update: Due to illnesses and conflicts, the talent show is being rescheduled. Come see our community’s talented kids! Students from Manchester Community School’s kindergarten through 8th grade are performing a talent show on Friday, February 28 at 6 pm in the Riverside Intermediate School cafeteria. The public is invited to attend and there is […]
Manchester Underground presenting Annie Palmer, Kari Holmes, and Shannon Lee
In celebration of Women’s History Month, Manchester Underground presents a panel of amazing singer songwriters on March 21st to share the stage on the lower level of the Shoppes of Alber Mill, located at 201 East Main Street. Annie Palmer, Kari Holmes, and Shannon Lee will take turns performing songs and discussing the importance, history […]
Bethel Church to host annual spaghetti supper Feb. 29
submitted by Mary Sue Moore Saturday, February 29, 2020 is the date for Bethel’s Annual Spaghetti Supper. Spaghetti and Vegetarian Spaghetti, tossed salad, garlic bread and desserts will be served from 5- 6:30 pm. In addition, guests can take their chances at winning one or more of the 60-plus fabulous items offered through a Choice […]
Riverbend Preserve nature walk
Join the River Raisin Watershed Council and the Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation staff Sunday March 1st from 2 to 4 pm on a walk around the natural grassy and gravel trails at Riverbend Preserve, located at 12639 Allen Road in Bridgewater Township. Celebrate the National Day of Unplugging by keeping your phones and tablets […]
Ashes at sunrise, February 26
submitted by St. Mary Church, Manchester As winter begins to fade and hopes of spring grow stronger, people of faith prepare with the season of Lent which begins with Ash Wednesday (this year on Feb. 26) and concludes with the joyous celebration of Easter on April 12. Ash Wednesday is the day when otherwise neat […]