Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

Kindergarten Information Night

The Manchester Community School District is pleased to announce that planning for the 2019-2020 Kindergarten and Young 5 Kindergarten programs are now under way.  Families of children who will be five years old on or before December 1, 2019, are encouraged to attend a special information night on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 from 6:30 – […]

 Sara Swanson

Protect yourself from identity theft

Imagine this: You pull out your debit card to pay for groceries, and your card is declined. Confused, you go to the bank to investigate and learn your checking account balance is zero, and someone purchased thousands of dollars’ worth of electronics online and shipped them to somewhere in California. And then you receive a […]

 Sara Swanson

Free prom dress shop in March

The Manchester Ladies Society will be holding its sixth annual “Free Prom Dress Boutique” on Friday, March 15th from 2:45 to 5 pm in the Manchester High School Library. The Boutique will be open after 5 pm and the next day, Saturday March 16th by appointment for girls unable to attend on Friday. All appointments must be […]

 Marsha Chartrand

What’s new at the Sportsman Club

The Manchester Sportsman’s Club Pellet League, will hold an indoor event on Tuesdays, January 22 and February 12, at 6 pm, $5.00 per person. Bring your own pellet/bb gun and ammo. This is an indoor activity with the opportunity to have more trigger time in the cold weather. All children under the age of 18 […]

 Sara Swanson

Non-profit Round Table to focus on Community Center, Crazy Cash and grocery store closing

The Community Resource Center is hosting the next Manchester Area Non-Profit Round Table on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 7 pm in the Village Room located at 912 City Road (lower level). In addition to groups updating each other on planned activities and how they can support each other, topics will include Crazy Ca$h, current status of the Manchester Community Center, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

MCSF to host Daddy-daughter dance February 8

The Manchester Community Schools Foundation’s (MCSF) first fundraiser of 2019 will be the annual Daddy-Daughter Dance, which will be held on Friday, February 8th from 5:30pm to 8pm at the Jr/Sr High School commons. The dance will be circus themed after the movie The Greatest Showman. “The Greatest Show” will feature dancing, games, crafts, refreshments and a commemorative […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Library to host estate planning seminar

submitted by Tamara Denby, Manchester District Library The start of a new year is the perfect time to take a good, long look at a lot of things—especially your finances. Did I hear a groan? Sure, all that estate planning stuff can be intimidating if you don’t know where to start. What’s the difference between […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Nature photo contest to focus on River Raisin

Calling all photographers! The River Raisin Watershed Council’s Photo Contest is happening now! What do you find beautiful within the River Raisin Watershed? Submit your best photo on any lake, stream or river in the River Raisin Watershed via email to rrwc@lenawee.mi.us Please include a description (where and what). Photos must be high-resolution (over 2400 pixels […]

 Sara Swanson

Blood drive in honor of Cody Simpson

The Manchester High School is hosting a blood drive in honor of Cody Simpson on Thursday January 31 from 1 to 7pm. Simpson, a 2011 graduate of MHS, was involved in a severe car accident in October 2018. Like many others, he needed a blood transfusion after his accident. Sign up to donate blood at https://www.redcrossblood.org/ Sponsor code = […]

 Sara Swanson

Nerf war, chili cook-off, Easter bunny and more – Manchester Sportsman’s Club calendar of events

submitted by Scott Poet, Manchester Sportsman’s Club The Manchester Sportsman’s Club is proud to announce the 2019 calendar of events for January thru April. All the events listed are open for the community to enjoy. For any event listed or future events, please visit www.manchestersportsmanclub.org or our Facebook Page for details. All the events are […]