Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

American Legion Auxiliary to host Veterans Day Lunch

The Manchester American Legion Auxiliary will be hosting a Veterans Day lunch on Sunday, November 13 at The Legacy Events Center located at 207 East Duncan Street. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Lunch will begin at 1 pm. All Veterans and their families are invited.

 Danielle Muntz

Manchester First Steps Parent-Child Play & Learn Groups Gets Ready for Session 2!

First Steps had a great fall kick off session of Parent-Child Play & Learn groups with Manchester families. Children age birth to three years of age (plus preschool age siblings) gathered once a week for a great time of exploration and learning. They made applesauce, painted pumpkins, had a costume parade and much, much more […]

 Danielle Muntz

Dance, Manchester! Recognized for Community Importance: Next Dance Nov 12th

  Submitted by Patty Swaney Come join the dance on Saturday, November 12th! Students 13 and older, accompanied by an adult are always welcome. We will have Peter Baker calling and Manchester’s own Carol & Mark Palms & Friends providing music. Dances run from 7:30 to 10 pm with instruction for beginners in the first half […]

 Marsha Chartrand

November Book Discussion Group at the Manchester District Library

The November book for the Book Discussion Group at the Manchester District Library is O Pioneers! by Willa Cather. It’s the story of a family of Swedish immigrants in Nebraska farm country at the turn of the 20th century. The novel brings to life the loneliness of forging a living on the frontier of the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Seminar set: Planning for college

A parent workshop, titled “Paying for College,” is scheduled for this Wednesday, November 2, from 6:30-8 pm, at the Manchester Middle School, 710 E. Main Street, room 223. Middle school is not too early to start to think about college. If you’re intimidated by the rising cost of college tuition, you’re not alone. Tuition and fees […]

 Marsha Chartrand

It’s time to “Fall Back” this weekend!

Manchester, along with most of the rest of the United States, will end Daylight Saving Time (DST) this coming Sunday, November 6, 2016. Clocks will be set back 1 hour to standard time from 02:00 (2 am) to 01:00 (1 am), local time.Sunrise and sunset will be about one hour earlier on Sunday, November 6, than the previous day, […]

 Sara Swanson

3rd Annual Haunted High School THIS Saturday

Looking for some spooky, scary family friendly fun? Then you will love the third Annual Haunted High School event on Saturday, October 29 beginning at 4 pm, which includes Haunted Hallways (including a less scary version for the little ones), crafts, games, and a costume contest. Haunted High School has been organized by Students Leading […]

 Sara Swanson

Caramel apples, pumpkin bowling & Trick-or-Treating

As always, the Village of Manchester will hold trick-or-treating from 5 to 7 pm on Oct. 31st. This year, that falls on a Monday. In addition to the many businesses and houses that will be handing out treats, the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, partnered with Kiwanis and the Civic Club, will be giving away free […]

 Sara Swanson

Halloween celebration at Sharon United Methodist Church

Sharon United Methodist Church is holding a Halloween celebration on Sunday, October 30, 2016. This will include lunch at 12:30 pm and an age-appropriate activity for children from 2 to 8 years old. Wear your favorite costume, capture a family photo and enjoy the fun! Everyone is invited. For more details call Nicole Drake at 734.428.1398.

 Sara Swanson

Fusilier’s historic haunted corn maze

Fusilier Family Farms located at 16400 Herman Road is running their corn maze daily from 11am to 6pm. The corn maze costs $8 per person to go through, but they also have a deal – buy a pumpkin of any size for $8 and get a free ticket for the corn maze. During the day […]