Upcoming Events

 Fritz Swanson

Buy Vidalia Onions from the Lions Club in May

The Manchester Lions Club will be selling Vidalia Onions, 5 pounds for $5. Onions are expected to arrive the first weekend in May. To pre-order, call 428-7034. The Lions will deliver. Onions will also be available at the Manchester Farmer’s Market while supplies last.

 Sara Swanson

Pilgrimage and faith leads to fundraising concert for St. Louis Center

On Saturday May 14th, Michael Russell O’Brien, a spiritual performer with a special devotion to Our Lady of Medjugorje and specializing in Catholic music, will be in concert at 7:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Dexter, located at 6805 Mast Rd. near North Territorial Rd. in Webster Twp. This concert will benefit the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

United Methodist Women to host annual Salad Smorgasbord

The Manchester United Methodist Women of the Manchester United Methodist Church, 501 Ann Arbor Street, are hosting their annual Salad Smorgasbord on Wednesday, May 4. There will be one serving only at noon. Cost is $10 per person. Reservations are necessary; please call Jody at 734-428-8495 or Jean at 734-428-8585 to make your reservation. Only 140 reservations can […]

 Sara Swanson

Free essential oil class on April 27 at the library

 Ray Berg

Manchester Community Business Expo coming Thursday, May 26

The Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce is holding its ninth annual Community Business Expo on Thursday, May 26, from 3:30 pm to 7 pm in Chi-Bro Park, in conjunction with Manchester’s weekly Thursday Farmers Market. A number of our local businesses, non-profit community service organizations, and school organizations will be showing what they have to offer […]

 Danielle Muntz

Public invited to Manchester student art exhibit & reception

The art has already been hung on the walls and placed on the shelves of the at the Manchester District Library for the 2016 Manchester High School Student Art Exhibit which will run from April 17th-30th. Under the direction of Manchester High School art teacher Karen Christiansen, students have created works with colored pencil, watercolors, ceramics, photography, and more. A free […]

 Sara Swanson

Roast Pork Loin monthly meal at Emanuel

Enjoy dinner with others from the Manchester community at Emanuel! The Emanuel United Church of Christ, 324 West Main Street, will host their monthly meal on Wednesday, April 20 with a menu of Roast Pork Loin, Baked Potato, Green Beans, Applesauce, Roll, Butter, and homemade desserts. The meal will be served from 4:30 until 7 […]

 Sara Swanson

Community Education Spring Offerings

Community Education Spring Offerings Manchester Community Education is preparing to wrap up their 2015-16 school year and working toward planning summer programming. Following are some of their upcoming classes/events: Monday, April 18, from 7-9pm, Melissa Katke will offer another Cricut 101 class for scrapbooking enthusiasts who are excited to have one of these crafty machines […]

 Danielle Muntz

Free essential oil class April 20th

A free wellness class on essential oils is being held at the Manchester District Library, Wednesday, April 20th from 7-8 pm. Wellness advocate, Kammy Ostrander, will be demonstrating many of the ways essential oils can be a benefit. She will cover the top 10 essential oils, and how to safely use them for maintaining health […]

 News News

MHS to present spring musical Anything Goes!

The Manchester High School Drama Club is at it again! This spring they will be presenting the musical Anything Goes, featuring music and lyrics by Cole Porter. Grab your luggage and don’t forget your passport as you sail away with a sinner, a saint, a criminal, and a chameleon all the way to London. Hope Heartcourt […]