Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

Men’s Club Annual Easter Egg Hunt

The Manchester Men’s Club annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, March 26 at 1 pm in Carr Park. Children will be separated into age groups and will search for dyed eggs, candy and special prize eggs. The Easter Bunny will also make an appearance. This event is FREE. Veterans of the event caution that […]

 Sara Swanson

Holy Week and Easter Events at St. Mary Roman Catholic Church of Manchester

Here is a list of Holy Week and Easter Services at St. Mary Roman Catholic Church of Manchester, located at 210 West Main Street: PALM SUNDAY, March 20 Masses at 8:30 am and 10:30 am (with Vigil Mass Saturday evening, March 19 at 5:00 pm) Outdoor procession with palms at the beginning of 10:30 am Mass […]

 Danielle Muntz

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

The kids with the most eggs in their baskets at Carr Park know the best preparation for egg hunting is an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. On Saturday March 26th, from 10 am to noon, the Manchester Sportsman Club and Sidearm Defense Training, LLC are hosting the fourth annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and will be […]

 Sara Swanson

Conservation District Tree and Plant Sale

With the warm, springlike weather we have all been thinking ahead to gardens and yards. The Washtenaw County Conservation District’s Spring Plant Sale is coming to a close so now is the perfect time to get your order in. Trees and shrubs for such conservation uses as: windbreaks, screens, wildlife habitat, soil erosion and reforestation; […]

 Sara Swanson

Coffee with the Superintendent THIS Wednesday

Do you have questions about the building configuration meetings … or M-STEP test results? Worried that the budget crisis will result in cuts to humanities and arts? Are you bothered by concussion risks associated with school sports? Or concerned that iPads are being overused or possibly underused in the classroom? Come this Wednesday to a special meeting […]

 Sara Swanson

Riverfolk Bringing Tango to Manchester with The Oblivion Project

The Oblivion Project will be playing Manchester on March 26, 2016 in the 6th concert of the Blacksmith Shop Concert Series. The Oblivion Project, formed in 2003, is well known for playing Nuevo Tango works of Argentine tango master Astor Piazzolla. Click HERE to listen. The Saturday night concert will begin at 7:30 pm. The venue, Manchester’s […]

 Sara Swanson

Klager Talent Show Rescheduled (Again)

Klager’s Talent Show has experienced bad luck with weather two Wednesdays in a row. Twice it was canceled because of snow storms and rescheduled. Its newest date and time is Monday, March 21st at 6:30 in the Klager Gym. It is free and open to the public. Click HERE to see photos of each act at dress rehearsal.

 Sara Swanson

Kindergarten Registration Information

 Sara Swanson


 Marsha Chartrand

Co-op Preschool Brings Back Chili Cookoff!

The Manchester Co-op Preschool’s biggest fundraiser of the year, the annual auction, is set for Saturday, April 30 at the Manchester Sportsman’s Club. To expand its support from the community, this year’s auction will be held in conjunction with a chili cook-off, which will begin at noon with chili ready to serve and taste by 5 […]