Registration Open for WCSO Citizen’s Police Academy
Are you interested in how the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department officers make traffic stops or process a crime scene? Do you want to tour the county jail? Than you should attend the 2016 Spring WCSO Citizens Police Academy. To attend, complete the application and release forms found HERE and email them to Deputy Wion at or fax to […]
Detroit’s CutTime Simfonica to Perform at Blacksmith Shop UPDATED
Editor’s Note: This article originally ran on Jan 4th, 2016 but has been updated to include the caterer’s information. Riverfolk Music and Arts will present CutTime Simfonica in the third of their Blacksmith Shop concert series on Saturday, January 23 from 7:30 to 9 pm at Manchester’s historic and unique blacksmith shop located at 324 E Main St. Adult […]
American Girl Doll Event in Manchester
What does it mean to be an American Girl? Girls in Manchester will get an opportunity to find out at the Manchester District Library on Saturday, Jan 30th at 11 am. Adiska Family Dental will be presenting a two-hour program aimed at girls aged 5 to 9. While this program is FREE, girls must be […]
All-Chocolate Potluck for Women
Are you a fan of chocolate? The Manchester Ladies Society is holding their annual women-only chocolate potluck on Saturday, Jan. 23 at 1 pm at the United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall and if you are a woman, you are invited. This event is FREE and is just for fun, not a recruitment event or fundraiser. […]
FREE Movie: Inside Out
Klager Elementary will be showing the Disney Pixar movie, “Inside Out,” this Friday, Jan. 15 in their gym. Doors open at 5:30 and the movie begins at 6 pm. This fun, family event is FREE. Enter the school through the cafeteria. Bring chairs, pillows or something to sit on. Dress up in the color of […]
5th Manchester Area Non-Profit Round Table Scheduled – Is Someone Representing Your Group?
The 5th meeting of the Manchester Area Non-Profit Round Table has been scheduled for January 19, 2016. It will be held in the Village Room, from 7:00 to 8:15 pm. The results of the community survey of need sent out by the CRC at the close of the year will be discussed. Organizers are hoping to […]
Winter Community Education Classes
Sign-up is open for winter session Community Ed classes. Elementary & Middle School: NEW Klager Science Club for 1st – 4th graders, meets 3:15 – 4:15 pm every other Thursday in the Klager art room. Learn about a different science topic through a hands-on activity at each meeting, discuss latest science discoveries & breakthroughs, and […]
Superintendent Schedules Monthly Coffee Hours to Meet with Community Members
Superintendent Cherie Vannatter will be holding six “Coffee with the Superintendent” meetings in the new year. These are scheduled once a month at varying times at either Frank’s Place located at 104 East Main Street or the boardroom of the Nellie Ackerson Building located at 410 City Road. The community is invited to come and discuss […]
FREE Movie: Minions
Tuesdays during the holiday break, the Manchester District Library will be showing Movies for Munchkins from 3-5:30pm in the Village Room on the lower level of the library, 912 City Road. Tuesday, Dec. 22 the movie will be Minions. The movie to be shown on Dec. 29 has yet to be decided. Movies for Munchkins is possible […]
Washtenaw Conservation District Annual Meeting
David Konkle, Board member with the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association will present the program, “Renewable Energy in Michigan: Now And In The Future” at the Washtenaw County Conservation District’s 68th Annual Meeting, to be held Thursday, January 21, 2016, 6:30 p.m. at the Washtenaw County Farm Council Grounds, 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road. The public […]