Roller Derby is Coming to Town
As part of their Year of the Wonder Women, the Manchester Ladies Society is bringing roller derby to Manchester! Washtenaw’s own Ann Arbor Derby Dimes will be demonstrating their skills at The Roller Derby Skills Exhibition being held in the Ackerson Gym at 410 City Road on July 11th at 2:30pm. It is a FREE community […]
Manchester School Surplus Equipment Auction to be Held Online Tuesday, July 7th, 2015
Manchester Schools will be auctioning off surplus equipment this Tuesday, July 7th 2015 beginning at 8am and ending at 8pm. The auction will take place on the Biddergy Website. In order to bid, you will need to register with The equipment is currently stored in the Ackerson Gymnasium in the Ackerson Building at 410 City Road. The […]
See “Today’s Brass Quintet” at the Gazebo this week
For a change of pace at this week’s gazebo concert, join us for “Today’s Brass Quintet” this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The quintet, led by Ann Arbor Public Schools teacher Joe De Marsh on tuba, specializes in brass chamber music for concerts, weddings, official ceremonies, and receptions, as well as formal and informal gatherings throughout southeastern […]
Independence Day Fireworks on Friday!
In Manchester tradition, our 2015 Independence Day Fireworks at Carr Park will be on July 3 which falls on a Friday this year. The Beer Tent will open at 8pm with live music from local bands at 9pm Fireworks will start at dark, which is usually around 10:15pm. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, fireworks will be rescheduled […]
Library to Begin Showing FREE Movies
Heard of fracking? Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is the controversial method of extracting natural gas and oil, now occurring in 32 countries, including the United States. The Manchester District Library will begin a FREE movie series at 7pm on Tuesday, June 30th by showing GASLAND II in the Village room. GASLAND II is the follow-up to filmmaker Josh Fox’s […]
138th Manchester High School Annual Alumni Reunion
On June 8, 1877, Manchester’s first 25 graduates held their first alumni reunion. Very few schools still hold an annual alumni reunion but Manchester High School is one of them. It will be holding it’s 138th Alumni Reunion Banquet on Saturday, June 20, 2015 at Manchester High School, 20500 Dutch Drive. The social hour will begin at 5pm […]
You Can Be in the Fair Parade!
The Manchester Fair Parade is coming 6:30pm on Tuesday, June 23rd to kick-off the 71st Manchester Community Fair and everyone is invited to join in! This year’s theme is “county themes and children’s dreams.” Get out your old car or build a float. It’s great publicity for your organization or club. You do not have to pre-register, just show up. To participate, […]
Sharon UMC Holding Dementia Workshop
Sharon United Methodist Church is holding a workshop for those who are relating to people with some form of dementia entitled “Learning the Dementia Dance” on Monday, June 22, 2015 from 7 to 9pm in their fellowship hall located on the corner of M-52 & Pleasant Lake Rd. This event is FREE and open to […]
Ice Cream Social Season Starting Soon
Church ice cream socials are a summer staple in Manchester. Mark your calendars for: – Wed. July 1 – Sharon United Methodist Church, corner of M-52 and Pleasant Lake Road – Thurs. July 9 – Bethel United Church of Christ, 10425 Bethel Church Road – Thurs. July 23 – St. Mary Roman Catholic Church, 210 W. Main St. – […]
Relayers to “Fight Back” Against Cancer
“Celebrate … Remember … Fight Back” is the motto of Relay For Life. And in Manchester, Relayers do all three of these things very well. To “Celebrate,” Relay For Life of Manchester, coordinates a sumptuous brunch for cancer survivors and caregivers, following a celebratory lap around the track to kick off the day’s activities. All […]