Upcoming Events

 Ray Berg

Reminder – Manchester Community Business Expo THIS Thursday, June 4 from 4-7 PM

The Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce is holding its eighth annual Community Business Expo next Thursday, June 4, from 4pm to 7pm in Chi-Bro Park, in conjunction with the weekly Thursday Farmers Market. A number of our local businesses and non-profit community service organizations will be present in booths to present what they have to offer […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Gazebo Concerts Start THIS Thursday, June 4!

Do you love music and nature? So does Joe Reilly! Joe loves nature so much that he writes songs and sings about it, and he hopes that you and your family will sing along too. And not just sing along, but get up and move! Dance! Allow yourself to become the animals, plants, and water in […]

 Sara Swanson

Book Donation Day

The Friends of the Manchester District Library will hold their monthly book donation day on Saturday, June 6, from 10am to noon in the Village Room. Bring your unwanted books to donate. They will be sorted and placed in an on-going book sale upstairs in the library. Proceeds from the sale fund library projects like the Summer […]

 Sara Swanson

Summer Walking Program

The Manchester Summer Walking Program will kick off on Monday, June 1st at 10am starting at the Manchester Wellness Center. This FREE program meets Mondays and Fridays at 10am, June through September. Everyone is welcome, whatever their speed. Questions? Please contact Shelley Hehr at 734-214-0227.

 Sara Swanson

FREE Yoga at the Farmers Market

 Sara Swanson

Library’s Summer Reading Kick-Off Event: Yo-Yo Man, DJ & Ice Cream!

The Summer Reading Kick-Off event will be held Friday, June 5th, at 2pm at Manchester District Library. Zeemo the Yo-Yo Man will start things off at 2pm performing his amazing tricks. Registration for the Summer Reading Program will follow. From 4-6pm, attendees can enjoy an ice cream social while a DJ provides music. Readers of ALL […]

 Sara Swanson

Memorial Day Parade Today at 11am

Manchester’s 2015 Memorial Day Parade will start today at 11am on the Main Street Bridge, stop for a ceremony at the memorial in Wurster Park and end with a ceremony in the cemetery. This solemn parade is organized by the American Legion. Children who will walk in the parade should meet near the Dairy Queen at 10:30am. In observance […]

 Ray Berg

Bring Your Clubs and Join the Fun! – Annual Golf Outing Fundraiser Scheduled for Saturday June 6

The 12th Annual Manchester Golf Outing Fundraiser will be held on Saturday, June 6, at Hills’ Heart of the Lakes Golf Course in Brooklyn. This event is sponsored jointly by the Manchester Community Resource Center and the Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce. This fundraiser combines fun and camaraderie with the raising of funds to meet […]

 Sara Swanson

Middle School to Hold 3rd Annual 5K Walk/Run

After school on Thursday, May 21st the Manchester Middle School will be holding it’s 3rd Annual Walk or Run 5K. Bib pick up starts at 3pm and the 5K starts at 3:30pm on the Middle School playground, 710 East Main Street. Students, parents and community members are all encouraged to participate. Registration is $7 at […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Lions Club Selling Vidalia Onions

The Manchester Lions Club will be selling a truckload of sweet Vidalia onions fresh from Georgia at the Farmers Market on Thursdays in Chi Bro Park. If you are interested but can’t make the Farmers Market, they also deliver. You can contact them by calling 734-775-9854. Vidalia Onions are grown in only a few counties […]