Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

Get Your Well Water Tested for Nitrates for FREE

The Washtenaw Conservation District will accept drinking water well samples for nitrate screening on June 30, 2015 from 9 am to 5:30 p.m. There is no fee to participants for this service. Samples from drinking water wells will be screened for nitrate and nitrite. The screening is open to everyone who uses a personal well […]

 Sara Swanson

Women Invited to Dress as Wonder Woman for Fair Parade

The Manchester Ladies Society announced this week that they are inviting all women and girls to dress up as their own version of Wonder Woman and walk in the Manchester Fair Parade with them. The Fair Parade scheduled for June 23 will begin at 6:30pm. Participants should line up at 6pm outside of the Fair […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Red Tail Ring Hits the Gazebo this Week!

On Thursday, June 11, the Kalamazoo-based duo Red Tail Ring will perform for the Manchester Gazebo Concert Series sponsored by Riverfolk Music and Arts Organization. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. and the event is free and open to the public. Free will donations will be collected at intermission. Laurel Premo and Michael Beauchamp, of […]

 Sara Swanson

10th Anniversary Celebration of IN DROUGHT TIME – Best-Selling Anthology Featuring Manchester Poets & Artist

On Friday, June 12th at 7 p.m, Serendipity Books located at 113 W. Middle Street in Chelsea will host a reception and celebration of the 2nd edition and 10th anniversary of the publication of IN DROUGHT TIME, an anthology of art and poetry by area artists and poets. Featured in the book are Manchester poets Jay […]

 Sara Swanson

SRSLY Coalition Training

Interested community members, high school youth, and parents are invited to attend SRSLY (formerly Voices) coalition training. They are flying in a trainer from the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) for an all-day training, Thursday June 25, 9am – 4pm (8:30am coffee & breakfast), located in the Village Conference Room (912 City Rd, Manchester). The training […]

 Sara Swanson

Change in Start Time for FREE Summer Walking Program

Last week we ran a flyer advertising this free summer walking program. It will now start at 9:30am on Mondays and Fridays instead of 10am as previously stated.

 Marsha Chartrand

Relay For Life to Celebrate Cancer Survivors

As the local Relay For Life Event Leadership Team prepares for the fifth annual Relay For Life in Manchester on June 20, plans are under way for the various activities surrounding the event. There are three major components to Relay For Life: “Celebrate, Remember, and Fight Back.” The celebration component traditionally starts off the Relay at […]

 Ray Berg

Reminder – Manchester Community Business Expo THIS Thursday, June 4 from 4-7 PM

The Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce is holding its eighth annual Community Business Expo next Thursday, June 4, from 4pm to 7pm in Chi-Bro Park, in conjunction with the weekly Thursday Farmers Market. A number of our local businesses and non-profit community service organizations will be present in booths to present what they have to offer […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Gazebo Concerts Start THIS Thursday, June 4!

Do you love music and nature? So does Joe Reilly! Joe loves nature so much that he writes songs and sings about it, and he hopes that you and your family will sing along too. And not just sing along, but get up and move! Dance! Allow yourself to become the animals, plants, and water in […]

 Sara Swanson

Book Donation Day

The Friends of the Manchester District Library will hold their monthly book donation day on Saturday, June 6, from 10am to noon in the Village Room. Bring your unwanted books to donate. They will be sorted and placed in an on-going book sale upstairs in the library. Proceeds from the sale fund library projects like the Summer […]