Mens Club Rototilling Gardens this Month
The Manchester Mens Club will be rototilling gardens for donation this month. Sign up at Keith Reed’s Barber Shop on Main Street, on the Mens Club’s facebook page, or call 734-231-6284 for scheduling.
Coffee Hour with Gretchen Driskell
Join Gretchen Driskell, a member of the Michigan House of Representatives, for a coffee hour on June 13th at the Manchester District Library from 10-11 am. Bring any questions or concerns.
Celebrity Server Night THIS Tuesday
The Manchester Community School Foundation presents Celebrity Server Night this Tuesday, May 5, from 4 to 8 pm (DQ will begin serving at 3:30 pm). This year the Manchester Community Schools staff will be serving at Frank’s Place and Manchester Dairy Queen. All tips will go toward the MCSF teacher mini grants for use in the classrooms. Wondering who will be […]
“Brothers, Sing On!”: Boychoir of Ann Arbor to Perform in Manchester
The Boychoir of Ann Arbor will be performing “Brothers, Sing On!” in Manchester on Sunday, May 17th at 4 pm. Presented by Riverfolk Music & Arts, the concert which features a choral repertoire of several styles and eras including “The Ground” by Ola Gjeilo, will be held at the Manchester United Methodist Church at 501 Ann Arbor Street, Manchester. Admission is […]
Counting Down to Gazebo Concert Season!
A sure sign of summer in Manchester is the debut of the Gazebo Concert season. For 27 summers, Wurster Park on the village green in Manchester has hosted some of the area’s best performers to entertain and delight audiences young and old. This summer’s lineup will include perennial favorites as well as new and exciting […]
3rd Non-Profit Roundtable Discussion Scheduled for May 12
The Manchester CRC has scheduled a third Manchester Non-Profit Roundtable Discussion for Tuesday, May 12th from 7 to 8 pm in the Village Room, 912 City Road (lower level). The CRC hopes that every Manchester non-profit sends a representative even if they were unable to attend previous roundtables held in September and January. Read about […]
Manchester Middle School Eighth Grade Moving Up Celebration Set for Friday
It’s spring, and time again for the Manchester Middle School Eighth Grade Moving Up Celebration, put on by the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA). It is an annual event held to celebrate four great years of middle school and the transition to a new building. The Moving Up party will be held on Friday, May […]
Klager and Manchester Middle School Get Ready to Roll on National Bike to School Day!
Students at Luther C. Klager Elementary and Manchester Middle School are ready to roll for National Bike to School Day on May 6, 2015. The event will start at Chi-Bro Park at 7:40 am. Klager and MMS will join thousands of students that day that will ride or walk to school. Michigan’s theme this year […]