Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

Food for Fines: THIS WEEK at the Manchester Library

  All this week the Manchester District Library will be accepting food items as payment for library fines. All donations will be given to the Manchester Community Resource Center’s food pantry. To participate, please take your shelf-stable food items to the library between April 19-25th. Each item donated will count as $0.50 toward overdue fines. Please check the expiration […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Voices Looking for More Community Involvement

Looking for a way you can help reduce teen substance use? Manchester Voices Coalition is starting a new chapter in their coalition and need active members. Whether you have lots of time or limited time or aren’t even sure you want to commit to anything, come to their meeting on Wednesday April 15, 2015 to find out how […]

 Sara Swanson

Saturday’s Easter Themed Events

The day before Easter–this coming Saturday, April 4th–is a busy one for Easter events around Manchester. Starting the day off, the Women of Emanuel will be holding their annual Easter Egg, Coffee Cake & Candy Sale at Sutton Insurance Agency on Main Street from 9 am to noon. The Manchester Sportsman Club will be holding […]

 Sara Swanson

Siena Heights Associate Professor to Give Talk on Women’s Roles in WWII

Dr. Julieanna Frost, Associate Professor of U.S. History at Siena Heights University will be at the Manchester District Library on Saturday, March 28th at 1pm in the Village Room. Join her as she gives a talk on U.S. women’s roles during World War II with a particular focus on the home front. Questions? Contact the […]

 Sara Swanson

High School Art Show Opening this Friday

The Manchester District Library will once again be hosting the Manchester High School Art Show. The art will be on display after the 24th. The opening will be held on Friday, March 27th from 6pm to 8pm. Come out and see the amazing and varied talent possessed by our Manchester teens! Light refreshments will be provided […]

 Sara Swanson

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

The Manchester Sportsman Club will be holding their 3rd Annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny fundraiser on April 4, 2015 from 10am to 12 noon at the Manchester Sportsman Club located at 8501 Grossman Rd., Manchester. Bring your camera, the Easter Bunny will be there from 10:30am to 11:30am! There are free gifts for the kids, while they last. Breakfast includes […]

 Sara Swanson

Hands-On Math and Science Night Coming to Manchester

Where, in one place, can you touch a python, see a live beehive, dance Zumba, shoot off a straw rocket, and learn to code on an I-Pad? If that’s not enough, you could also read with a therapy dog, look at skin cells under a microscope, build the tallest structure that you can that will still hold a tennis […]

 Sara Swanson

Movie and Easter Egg Hunt at Sharon United Methodist Church

Sharon United Methodist Church will be playing the movie “Hop” and holding an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4th at 1pm in the Fellowship Hall. This event is sponsored by the Sharon United Methodist Church Youth Group.

 Sara Swanson

Free Prom Dress Boutique to be Open this Saturday and Sunday

 Sara Swanson

Relay For Life Kick Off Party

Come one, come all to the 2015 Relay For Life kickoff party! You can drop in any time between 7 and 8 p.m. or stay for the entire party. Come to sign up your team, to make a donation, or just to find out what Relay is all about. Everyone is welcome!