Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

Second Chance Daddy Daughter Dance in Tipton Gets Manchester Support

A second-chance Daddy-Daughter Dance and benefit for an area family suffering from a medical emergency on the night of their daughter’s Daddy-Daughter Dance has received support from local residents. For more information visit the event’s Facebook page.

 Sara Swanson

Citizens for Oil-Free Backyards to Present at Manchester Board Meeting

A Manchester area group called “Stewards of Western Washtenaw,” whose purpose it is to preserve Western Washtenaw’s rural environment and clean water will be bringing a Scio Township group, Citizens for Oil Free Backyards (COFBY), to give  a presentation at the Manchester Township board meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2015, at 7:30 p.m in the Township Hall Board Room, 275 South Macomb (same […]

 Sara Swanson

United Way Community Conversation About Financial Security

  What does financial stability mean to you? Being debt free? Having a good job? Prosperity? Being able to pay your bills on time? Having savings? Assets? Budgeting? On Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 11:30 a.m., United Way of Washtenaw County will be holding a community conversation about financial stability at the Community Resource Center, 410 City Rd, […]

 Sara Swanson

Turkey Dinner at Emanuel Church this Wednesday

Emanuel United Church of Christ will present its Drive Through-or-Eat In Annual Turkey Dinner this Wednesday, March 11 at the Fellowship Hall at 324 West Main Street. Serving begins at 4:30 p.m. Drive Through meals will be $9.00, while Eat-In meals will be $9.00 for adults and $5.00 for children ages 3 to 12. The Menu: Turkey […]

 Sara Swanson

Women’s Annual Lenten Breakfast at Emanuel Church

Emanuel United Church of Christ’s Annual Lenten Breakfast is coming up on April 1st at 9:30 a.m. It will be held at Emanuel United Church of Christ, 324 West Main Street. All ladies of the community are invited. Call in reservations to the church at 428-8359 by March 27.

 Sara Swanson

Blood Drive TODAY

Blood Drive this afternoon at Emanuel Church. Call to schedule an appointment.

 Sara Swanson

Prom Dress Fashion Show & Afternoon Tea

 Sara Swanson

Prom Dress Fashion Show and Afternoon Tea

The Manchester Ladies Society is preparing for their second Free Prom Dress Boutique set for March 21st & 22nd. The weekend before, a selection of the prom dresses will be on display at their first ever Prom Dress Fashion Show & Afternoon Tea. Tickets are $10 each and are on sale at Frank’s Place, the […]

 Sara Swanson

Talk on Gluten-Free Living

Curious about pursuing a gluten-free lifestyle? Want to incorporate more flavor and nutrition into your meals? Come to the Library Saturday, Feb. 28th @ 1:00 pm to hear Lisa Howard, culinary speaker & cooking instructor, talk about how to use gluten-free grains, from making pilafs to baking muffins to DIY cereal and granola. Call the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

New Option for Investing in Manchester’s Future

    In the wake of a presentation held in December regarding Manchester’s potential for future retail and business growth, many questions have emerged and much discussion has transpired among residents. One question may sum up local curiosity: What could Manchester look like in five years if significantly supported by local capital? Reconsider and Washtenaw County Office of Community […]