High School Art Show Opening this Friday
The Manchester District Library will once again be hosting the Manchester High School Art Show. The art will be on display after the 24th. The opening will be held on Friday, March 27th from 6pm to 8pm. Come out and see the amazing and varied talent possessed by our Manchester teens! Light refreshments will be provided […]
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
The Manchester Sportsman Club will be holding their 3rd Annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny fundraiser on April 4, 2015 from 10am to 12 noon at the Manchester Sportsman Club located at 8501 Grossman Rd., Manchester. Bring your camera, the Easter Bunny will be there from 10:30am to 11:30am! There are free gifts for the kids, while they last. Breakfast includes […]
Hands-On Math and Science Night Coming to Manchester
Where, in one place, can you touch a python, see a live beehive, dance Zumba, shoot off a straw rocket, and learn to code on an I-Pad? If that’s not enough, you could also read with a therapy dog, look at skin cells under a microscope, build the tallest structure that you can that will still hold a tennis […]
Movie and Easter Egg Hunt at Sharon United Methodist Church
Sharon United Methodist Church will be playing the movie “Hop” and holding an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4th at 1pm in the Fellowship Hall. This event is sponsored by the Sharon United Methodist Church Youth Group.
Relay For Life Kick Off Party
Come one, come all to the 2015 Relay For Life kickoff party! You can drop in any time between 7 and 8 p.m. or stay for the entire party. Come to sign up your team, to make a donation, or just to find out what Relay is all about. Everyone is welcome!
Second Chance Daddy Daughter Dance in Tipton Gets Manchester Support
A second-chance Daddy-Daughter Dance and benefit for an area family suffering from a medical emergency on the night of their daughter’s Daddy-Daughter Dance has received support from local residents. For more information visit the event’s Facebook page.
Citizens for Oil-Free Backyards to Present at Manchester Board Meeting
A Manchester area group called “Stewards of Western Washtenaw,” whose purpose it is to preserve Western Washtenaw’s rural environment and clean water will be bringing a Scio Township group, Citizens for Oil Free Backyards (COFBY), to give a presentation at the Manchester Township board meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2015, at 7:30 p.m in the Township Hall Board Room, 275 South Macomb (same […]
United Way Community Conversation About Financial Security
What does financial stability mean to you? Being debt free? Having a good job? Prosperity? Being able to pay your bills on time? Having savings? Assets? Budgeting? On Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 11:30 a.m., United Way of Washtenaw County will be holding a community conversation about financial stability at the Community Resource Center, 410 City Rd, […]
Turkey Dinner at Emanuel Church this Wednesday
Emanuel United Church of Christ will present its Drive Through-or-Eat In Annual Turkey Dinner this Wednesday, March 11 at the Fellowship Hall at 324 West Main Street. Serving begins at 4:30 p.m. Drive Through meals will be $9.00, while Eat-In meals will be $9.00 for adults and $5.00 for children ages 3 to 12. The Menu: Turkey […]